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Eds POV.

Taylor and I were having breakfast and the tv was on. I started to listen.

"It looks like haylor maybe back together." I did a spit take with my cereal. Taylor turned down the volume and gave me a I'm sorry look.

"What are they talking about taylor?" She hesitated then spoke.

"Some of the Haylor fans think we are getting back together just because of the duet." I was so angry. Harry will love this news.

"Ed don't worry the Ellen show is in 4 days and I will clear everything up that you and I are together and not me and Harry." I thought for a moment and calmed down.

"Oh hey wanna watch my music video shake it off before I post it?" I nodded and she got out her laptop. We started to watch the video. She was in different stereo types. There was a cheerleader, a dancer, ballerina, hip-hop, twerking which I thought was hilarious and a singer. When it finished I was amazed.

"That's so good!"


"So whose the hella good haired boy?" I asked hoping it wasn't Harry.

"It's you." She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Aaaaannnd post." She clicked the send button and under seconds people were already commenting.

"Look who's popular." She started to laugh.

"Look some people are putting shake it off and go to number one." I laughed to and looked at all of the other comments. Some were fans who were disappointed she left country, some where super sweet fans, and some where just haters.

"Haha Miley Cyrus put nice twerking!" We boy laughed.

"I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom."

"Okay." I started looking through the newspapers. Taylor says I'm the only one who still reads them. I stopped when I saw one of the titles.

ITS OFFICIAL HAYLOR IS BACK! I looked and it was a picture of Harry and Taylor kissing. I read the date and it was yesterday. I looked closer in the picture and noticed taylor was kinda kissing back. I was filled with anger.

"Taylor what on earth is this?"

Taylor's POV.

"Taylor what on earth is this?" Uh oh that can't be good.

"What is it Ed?" He handed me a newspaper and the cover said

ITS OFFICIAL HAYLOR IS BACK! I looked at the picture and it showed me and Harry kissing. Now that I'm looking at it looks a lot like I'm kissing him. Ed must be thinking I'm cheating on him.

"No Ed it's not what it looks like."

"You know it's really hard to trust someone who keeps on kissing other people."

"Ed he kissed me."

"Really because it doesn't look like it." I looked back down at the picture and it looked like I was kissing him and he wasn't Doing anything.

"Trust me Ed it's not true."

"Really tell me something taylor honestly and truly....did you ever think you still had feeling for Harry." I took a second to come up with an answer but apparently it was too long for Ed.

"You know what were done you can go back to your boy who's got a hella good hair." I realised that he knew I was talking about Harry in the song. He started to leave. I ran in front of him.

"No please please please Ed please don't do this I love you!" I was now crying. He shoved me away and opened the door.

"No you don't because if you did you wouldn't have kissed him I warned you taylor and you didn't listen." With that he left. I collapsed onto the ground. Crying my eyes out. I felt something warm on my face. I thought it was Ed but when I opened my eyes I just saw Meredith trying to comfort me. I sat up and held her close to me.

"Thanks Meredith I needed that." I said as I petted her. I mustered up all of my strength to get up. I looked on twitter and saw that Ed already changed his status form in a relationship to single. I saw all of the sweeran fans comment what happens and stuff like that. I decided to write something.


No I'm not dating Harry for some of you who thought so. I just wanna know you better now:(

I hope Ed saw that. I went to my bedroom and sang teardrops on my guitar and changed Drew to Ed. I cried myself to sleep. Without Ed I'm so hopeless. I need him. Tomorrow I'll try everything to get him to change his mind.

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