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Eds POV.

"Taylor come on!" I said excitedly. Today was a very special day.

"What your hurry?" Taylor asked as she got in the car.

"I wanna take you someplace special." I said as I started to drive.

"Where?" I smiled at her.

"You'll see but you have to wear this." I pulled out the blindfold I had in my pocket. She locked at it then back at me.

"Whyyyy?" She said acting like a kid. A very cute kid.

"Because it's a surprise." I said. She sighed and put on the blindfold.

"So where are we going?" She asked looking straight ahead as if she couldn't move her neck.

"Guess." I said. She'll never guess it.



"The mall?"

"No way." She laughed and started to think again.

"Ummmm a cave?" I laughed.

"Really taylor a cave that's the best you could think of!"

"We'll excuse me for being blindfolded and can't see where we are." She giggled. A few minutes later we arrived.

"Okay were here."

"Can I take off the blindfold now?" Taylor asked as she moved her head to my direction.

"Not yet." I said going to her car door.

"Then how am I supposed to walk?" She asked.

"Like this." I said as I lifted her up and carried her. She laughed I smiled at her. I set her down on the ground.

"Okay take off the blindfold." She took it off and looked in front of her. She started to cry.

"Taylor are you okay?" I asked hugging her. She pulled away and smiled.

"I'm more than okay Ed I mean this is where we met, this is where we wrote everything has changed." She said. We went to the trampoline and sat on it.

"I can't believe that just over a year or so we where here in your backyard on this trampoline writing everything has changed." Taylor said as she smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Your dinner has arrived." I said as I got the food that was behind me. It was burgers and fries with one coke and 2 straws.

"Awww Ed this is so romantic!" I kissed her cheek. If only she knew.

"Here you go." I said as I handed her her food. We ate and talked. Once we finished I threw the trash away and went beside taylor. I looked at my watch.

"Taylor guess what time it is?"

"Uh 10:00."


"Uh 10:01?" I laughed.

"No at this very moment at this very spot we finished everything has changed."

"We did?" Taylor asked I nodded.

"Wow time sure does fly." I got ready. This is it!

Taylor's POV.

Ed was fidgeting and playing with something in his pocket.

"Taylor I need to ask you something."

"Okay what is it?" I turned to him. He looked really nervous. He took my hand in his and looked into my eyes as I looked into his.

"Taylor Allison Swift you are my life my everything I miss you when your gone and I think about you every second of every day." "Right here where were sitting is where we first fell in love I haven't been the same ever since." "I know that I don't want to spend another day without you so taylor will you marry me?" Ed asked pulling out a ring from his pocket. I started crying.

"Yes Ed I will marry you." I said. He smiled as he put the ring on my finger. He looked at me.

"I promise you taylor I will make you the happiest women who's ever lived." I smiled back.

"And I will make you the happiest man who ever lived I promise." We leaned in and made a promise sealing kiss.


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