Try try try

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Harry's POV.

I heard Ed and Taylor broke up because the paparazzi caught us kissing. I figured since she's single and needs some comfort I can call her and ask if I can come over then I can ask her out. She will be so vulnerable that she won't think about it. I had to try. I dialled her number and waited.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet sweet sweet voice.

"Oh hey Taylor it's me Harry listen I was wondering maybe you wanted to hang out tonight like as friends." There was a long pause.

"Harry you have no Idea how mad I am." She growled at me.

"Listen I'm sorry taylor really I am but if Ed really trusted you he wouldn't have broken up with you." There was another long pause. I heard sobbing.

"Oh taylor I'm sorry don't cry." I heard her sniffle.

"Do you have any idea what you did to me?" I suddenly felt guilty but shook it off.

"Look Taylor it's time to move on like Ed has." I might have been a jerk to you in the past. It I promise if you give me another chance I will treat you right."

"No you listen to me Mr. Styles I've had it with your give me another chance speech we are done don't talk to me don't text me don't call me because I'm so done with you Harry so so so done!" She then hung up. Well that was hurtful.

Taylor's POV.

After that phone call from Harry made I got even more mad. I was so angry at Harry. He thought I would be so desperate since I just got dumped. I decided to call Ed. It was worth a try.

"Ello?" I heard his beautiful voice on the other end.

"Hey Ed it's me Taylor." A long pause passed.

"Taylor can we um talk later." Um uh y-yea sure." At least he was willing to talk again. He hung up and I sat in my bed feeling lonely. I grabbed my guitar and strummed to You belong with me. Ed did belong with me. I just know it.

Eds POV.

Taylor just called me and I tried my hardest not to tell her I miss her. I missed her so much. I got my guitar and strummed everything has changed. I then got a phone call.


"Hello this is Ellen I was wondering if you could come on the show that's in 3 days with Taylor and Harry?" Uh oh. If I go on Harry will try to make jokes and if I don't Taylor will be even more sad.

"Um uh y-yea sure." I decided to go mostly to try to talk to Taylor. I have to try.

There's chapter 7 for you don't forget to vote!

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