Costumes and lockets

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Taylor's POV.

I was with Harry looking for costumes for the award show. Harry want me to wear something tight but I want to wear something flowy. I decided to go with a gorgeous blue dress with a belt of diamonds across. Harry just went with a simple tux. Harry kept checking me out which was very uncomfortable.

"You done yet cause this is weird." Harry stopped and went on and paid for the costumes.

Harry's POV.

Taylor looked so so so so pretty. I sometimes forget that I'm trying to trick her. I kinda want to get back together with her. I just have to get that sheeran boy away from her.

"Come on let's go shopping." She said going straight towards H&M. I groaned.

"No I don't want to go to a girl store." She sighed and came back. We were walking back to my car.

"OMG ITS HARRY STYLES!" Oh shoot. I turned around and saw a girl about 15 jumping up and down. She was decent. She had blonde hair but she had globed of make-up on.

"Hello love want an autograph?" She nodded. She gave me her phone case to sign.

"Harry why are you with.....her?" I looked up and noticed she was giving Taylor a disgusted look and taylor was sending the girl daggers.

"What I can't hang out with a friend?" She looked shocked by my question.

"N-no it's just that I thought you hated her." Jeez you cheat on a girl and people think you despise the girl.

"No I don't now whats your name?" She still looked a little shocked.

"I-it's Tiffany." I kinda felt a little bad. All she wanted was an autograph. And she was just confused about my love life.

"Do you want a picture?" I asked hoping she would start to perk up. It worked. As soon as I said it she had a smile on her face and got out her phone. She turned towards taylor.

"Will you take this please?" She asked kinda afraid. Taylor nodded and took the photo. We said goodbye to Tiffany and went into my car. Before I started it I had to ask her a question I had been dying to ask her.

"Taylor do you still have feelings for me?" She looked shocked at how I asked.

"No." She sad simply but I could see the lie in her eyes. I leaned closer to her.

"Come on taylor I know your lying."

"No I'm not I love Ed."

"No you love me." I leaned even closer.

"No I don't." She said backing away from me.

"Oh yes you do." I then pressed my lips onto hers, her lips felt so good. Our kiss was only for a few seconds when taylor pulled away. She opened the door and hoped out.

"Taylor get back in the car." I said in a stern voice.

"No you used me Harry I can't trust you not now not ever." She slammed my car door and walked away.

Taylor's POV.

I hate Harry. I decided to walk home since I didn't want to be near him at all. I denied having feelings for him but he could tell I was hiding it. I hummed state of grace the way home. I finally got there and saw Eds car. I walked in and saw all of my favorite foods and I saw all of it on a picnic blanket and Ed was on it.

"Ed what are you doing?"

"Sit I want to have lunch with you." I sat down and ate the food. I decided not to tell Ed. It was better this was so he wouldn't punch Harry. We talked and talked. I never realized how easy it is to talk to Ed.

"Ed why did you go all out on our lunch date?"

"Because I wanted to give you this." He pulled out a box from his pocket. He handed it to me. I opened it and saw a heart shaped locket. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Ed I love it."

"Look inside." I looked and saw a picture of me and Ed singing on stage. It was the first time we ever performed everything has changed. That was the day we became best Friends.

"Aww thanks Ed I love it!" I hugged him and kissed him in the cheek.

"Here I'll put it on you." He took the necklace and I pulled my hair up. It was at the moment where I thought how cliche it was that he got me the necklace and helped out it on me.he finished and I turned towards him.

"How do I look?" He smiled at me.

"Like the beautifulest girl in the world." I laughed and hugged him. He got up and played play it again by Luke Bryan. I love that song. He took my hand and we started to slow dance. We didn't talk we just stared into each others eyes.

"I like you taylor a lot." Ed smiled and I smiled back.

"I like you a lot to Ed." Then we slowly moved towards each other then kissed. It was such a magical moment. Ed broke the kiss and whispered

"If we get married maybe this song should be our song." I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Maybe it should." I kissed him again.

There's chapter 5 for ya. VOTE AND COMMENT! SWIFTIES FOR LIFE!!

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