See you again

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Taylor's POV.

"Ed come on were going to be late!" I yelled at Ed. We were on our way to my photo shoot. Ed needed to come 1. Because he is my ride and 2. The people said they wanted a few pictures of Ed and me.

"I'm coming I'm coming." Ed said grabbing the car keys and going to the door. We got in and headed that way.

"Hey taylor?" Ed asked.


"Have you seen Harry after the Ellen show?"

"No why?" Ed sighed.

"Niall called me and said that he hasn't seen Harry since then." I sighed too.

"Oh well he's probably regretting that he didn't call me a jerk on tv." Ed nodded and kept driving. We got there and I saw Selena.

"Selena what are you doing here?" I asked hugging her.

"I came back last night I'm having a concert here in 2 weeks."

"Cool are we doing a photo shoot together then?" I asked wondering why she would be here.

"Yea your manager called me and wanted me to get a few pictures with you." I nodded. I took a couple of pictures then they asked Ed to get some with me.

"Ed why don't you kiss her cheek?" The photographer asked Ed. I blushed and Ed grinned. We took the picture. I was about to walk over to Selena when Ed whispered in my ear

"Your hair smells really good." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I went over to Selena and we started to talk. After a few minutes the photographer needed us again. Me and Selena took crazy goofy ones and then natural ones. Then me, Ed, and Selena all took some photos. The photo shoot ended but we decided to stay and talk. I haven't seen Selena in forever.

"I'll be right back I have to get my wallet out of my dressing room." I turned around and saw Ed.

"Okay." I said and then turned back to Selena.

"That's a pretty necklace." She said looking at my locket.

"It's from Ed I said proudly."

"Awwww that's so romantic!" Selena squealed. I smiled.

"Yea I'm really lucky to have him."

Eds POV.

I was walking to my dressing room when I heard a voice.

"Ed is that you?" I stopped walking. For a moment I wasn't even breathing. I recognised that voice instantly. The thought of that voice made me shiver. I kept walking and then the voice came again.

"Ed wait." I kept walking.

"Ed wait please." I felt a grab in my arm realizing I was being held by my wrist. I looked into those cold heartless eyes and said

"What do you want?" In such a coldly voice I barely knew it was me.

"I wanted to talk to you." I pulled away grabbed my wallet then shoved that demon out if my way.

"Ed please let me explain." I stopped and turned. Looking straight into those horrid eyes.

"There's nothing to explain."

"Yes there is."

"No there's not you hurt me then left it's all clear and said and done."

"No Ed there's more to it!"

"I don't want to hear it just leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Ed what's going on?" Taylor asked. I realized I was to loud.

"Nothing just some paparazzi I'm okay though."

"Okay." She said. I let out a sigh.

"Look we can meet up later to discuss this how about tomorrow afternoon is that okay with you Ellie?" She looked at me and nodded.

"Yes I understand." I nodded and walked away.



"I just want you know that I'm sorry for what I did to you." I didn't say anything and just kept walking.


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