Duets and confessions

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Eds POV.

I can't believe Harry has to stay here. I know taylor doesn't like him but he might make a move and I'll be ready to punch his face when he does. I also can't believe I chickened out last night. I was going to ask taylor out but I was afraid she might not have feelings for me.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Taylor said grabbing her a cereal bowl.

"Whatever your having." I was to deep in thought to think about it.

"Ed are you okay?" I nodded and she sat beside me. She was so beautiful.

"Taylorwillyougooutwithme?" She stopped doing what she was doing and looked at me.

"What did you say?"

"Will you go out with me?" Her eyes then lit up and the biggest grin was on her face.

"Yes yes yes yes!" She hugged me then I did the bravest thing. I kissed her and then she kissed me back. The kiss was amazing. Her lips were so soft. Our kiss turn into a make out session. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my hands around her waist.

"Ummm." We broke away from the kiss and saw Harry standing by the door. Great. Wait to ruin the moment Harry.

"Should I come back later?" Harry asked not moving which means he didn't really want to leave. Taylor let go of my neck and went towards Harry.

"No no it's okay what is it Harry?"

"It's time to go rehearse our duet."

"Oh yea Ed were going to the studio and will be back in about an hour." She walked towards me and kissed my cheek. I hugged her and as I did I whispered to her

"Make sure he doesn't do anything okay?" She nodded and went to the door. Harry walked right behind her and sent me a death glare. I don't trust that guy at all. He always tries to use taylor. I just hope taylor doesn't give into him again.

Taylor's POV.

I can't believe Ed asked me out! And that kiss was AMAZING! I was driving my car with Harry in the passenger seat. Everything has changed came on and I started to hum the tune.

"So are you and Ed dating?" Harry asked sounding a little annoyed.

"Yes we are." Harry scoffed and mumbled

"For now."

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing." Harry said nonchalantly and stared at the window. We got to the studio and we were ready to sing. We agreed on singing a mix. The first part is 22 then the second part is best song ever. Harry wanted us to sing everything has changed but I said no. It was Ed and I's song. I didn't want Harry sing it because it felt weird since I wrote the song with Ed. We then started to sing. (A/N I didn't want you to hear the song yet don't worry you'll hear it in another chapter.

After the song I got ready to go home. I was walking to my car when I noticed Harry was leaning on my door.

"What do you want?" He got closer to me.

"Truth is taylor I like you I like you a lot." I laughed.

"Really so you liked me even when you cheated on me twice." He got even closer which made me back away.

"Don't be afraid taylor I don't bite." He smirked and got closer to me. Suddenly I felt his lips crash to mine. At first I was shocked then I kinda felt good. I kinda secretly missed Harry's lips. After a second or two I remembered Ed. I pushed away and saw Harry grin.

"You felt it too didn't you." He said. I gave him a disgusted look.

"As if besides I'm dating Ed remember."

"Well if it doesn't work out with him you know where I am." Then he left. As he was walking away I yelled

"Harry we are never ever getting back together." I got into my car and drove off. I then thought to myself do I like Harry or Ed?


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