Fans and frozen

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Harry's POV.

I was really mad at myself. Why didn't I jut tell the world that taylor was jus using me. I guess I like her to much to let her get that much hate. Before I answered that question on the Ellen show I hint to myself do I really want taylor to go through all of that. I can still use her and just blackmail her, if she gets on my nerves I'll just tell the world she broke my heart. I was walking out of Starbucks when I heard some fans.

"Oh my god is Harry styles!" I heard one of screaming. It sounded like thousands of girls but when I turned around there was only like 19. Dang their loud.

"Harry please marry me!"

"I love you Harry!"

"Can I have your autograph?" I heard all at once.

"Alright alright alright I'll give you guys an autograph and a picture okay?" They all nodded. As I was signing in of the girls asked me a question.

"I thought you liked taylor why did y'all break up?"

"Well I guess it just wasn't meant to be." I said but I wish it wasn't true.

"You guys were so cute together though." She said. She was really cute. Red short hair and green eyes. She was petite but looked strong.

"No they weren't I'm glad Haylor died hey Harry wanna date me?" One if the fans said from the crowd.

"Alright do you want an autograph or talk about my love life because if your just going to talk about how much you hate taylor then leave." Most of the were shocked by my outburst. They started to leave except for the red haired girl.

"Sorry about that sometimes they can get kinda annoying." I said ashamed that I yelled at my fans.

"It's okay if I was you I would've done the same thing." She said. I signed her hat.

"So what's your name?"

"Katie." I smiled at how beautiful her name was.

"I like that name." She blushed.

"Thank you." She slowly walked away then I got into my car.

Eds POV.

Me and taylor were sitting eating our lunch when we got bored.

"Hey let's watch a movie." I said walking over to the tv.

"Okay what should we watch?" Taylor asked standing next to me.

"I don't know you choose." She looked throughout them and found it. It was frozen.

"Frozen really?" I chuckled at her childless.

"Oh come on everybody needs to watch a Disney movie once in a while." We put it in and sat in the couch. She snuggled next to me and I put my arm around her. We sang do you wanna build a snowman and I made her laugh with the ticking noise with my mouth. When let it go came on we started to sing. She was so cute. She looked like a 5 year old going to Disney world for the first time. When Olaf came on she laughed and we sang in summer. I laughed at how a addicted she was to he movie.

"What's so funny?" Taylor asked referring to my chuckle.

"You have no idea how cute you are watching this movie." She kissed my cheek and snuggled closer to me. After the movie ended I realised that Taylor was fast asleep. I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in. I kissed her head and was about to leave when I heard her voice.

"Ed will you stay with me?" I turned around and smiled at her I got in the bed and she snuggled into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Goodnight taylor."

"Goodnight Ed."

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