Chapter 1

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"Ouch!" I yelled, yanking my hand away from the coffee pot... Even though it was completely useless, since I had already gotten it on my hand. I quickly ran into the back and ran my hand under cold water.

"You okay, Avery? You didn't cut your hand again, did you?"

"No.. I burnt it."

Addison laughed, and shook her head. "I feel like you shouldn't be allowed to work anywhere since you are so prone to accidents."

"Shut up," I groaned.

She laughed again and looked out of the small kitchen window. "I'll be right back."

I nodded, thinking that some customers came in. Business happens to be really slow in this tiny café. Only a few customers every hour, but the coffee is amazing so I really don't understand why we don't get more people. As soon as she walked through the door, she came right back.

"I can't do it."

"You can't ask people what they want? You've done this job for months now, I don't see-"

"Uh, it may have something to do with the clientele that are here."

"Are they really hot guys or something?"

"You can say that.."

My eyes narrowed. She was just looking at me, eyes wide and she seemed kind of on edge.

"Just look out the freaking window!"

I rolled my eyes before just doing what she said. I looked out the window and my own eyes widened. "Are they-"

"Niall and Harry.. From One Direction? Yes."

"Oh my god."

"What are they doing here?"

"Uh, getting coffee?"

She glared. "Obviously. I meant, why this tiny small café?"

I shrugged.

"What should we do?"

"Play it cool?"

"Because that's possible when you have two of the hottest boys standing in the place that you work."

"We can't stay back here forever."

"You're right. You go first."

"What? No way!"

"You'll probably be the more relaxed one!"

"Not at all! You go!"

She groaned, before taking a deep breath. "Okay. I can do this."

I nodded encouragingly and pushed her towards the door. She stumbled a little and I bit my finger to keep from laughing, while receiving a glare from Addison. I just shrugged and followed her out the door.

"I guess there isn't anyone here," I heard Harry mumble.

"Hi, sorry... We, she, had an accident and she had to take care of that," Addison said, while motioning to me.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with the coffee all over the counter?" Niall said to her. Smiling the smile that I know Addi loves.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, I burnt my hand and I guess it went everywhere," I said while grabbing paper towel to clean it up. I glanced at the boys, first Niall, who was still smiling and talking with Addi, then Harry... Who was full blown staring at me.

Kind of creepy.

"You aren't from around here, are you?" Niall asked us.

"No," Addison said. "And here I thought we were starting to adapt a new accent.."

He laughed and leaned over the counter to get closer to her. "Not even a little, babe."

She blushed. "Well damn."

"So where are you from?"

"From Ireland obviously," she said, mimicking his accent.

"No, really babe."

She's going to turn into a tomato if he keeps calling her that, I swear.

"We're from Michigan."


"Yeah. We figured why not move here when we're already used to the cold."

"That's true.. I'm glad you guys decided to move here."

"Yeah, me too." She smiled, and he smiled and they just stared at each other. I glanced at Harry again and realized he was still looking at me. It's past the point of creepy now.

"Okay," I said, breaking their love stare apart and partly because I just want Harry to get out of here so he would stop staring at me. "You guys obviously came here for coffee, so what can I get you?"

"Oh right!" Niall said. He rambled off what he wanted, and then Harry did the same.

"Coming right up."

I started moving around and getting everything for Harry's while Addison started getting Niall's drink ready.

"So what's you're name?" Niall asked.

"I'm Addison, and that's Avery."

"I'm Niall, and this here is Harry."

Addison looked at me and smiled. "Nice to meet you," she finally said.

"Does Avery not talk or something?"

"I could say the same about Harry," she smirked.

"They're perfect for each other then."

I rolled my eyes. Not even a little bit. Harry is creeping me out majorly.

"I should come back sometime, and maybe even bring the other lads."

Addison just looked at him, and I suddenly understood why she smiled at me the way she did.

"You know we're from One Direction, right?"

"I wasn't aware, I'm sorry."

Harry finally tore his gaze away from me. "How did you not know?"

"Apparently I have no social life," she shrugged.

Niall laughed. "I think I like you even more now."

She blushed like mad and almost dropped the caramel she was holding. She finally finished his drink and handed it to him just as I handed Harry his.... Which brought his attention back to me.

"I'll see ya later, Addison." Niall said, giving her a wink before walking out, Harry following close behind.

She immediately collapsed against the counter after he was out of sight. "He was even better than I ever thought."


"And I never realized that Harry could be that quiet."

"Creepy, is more of the word I'd use.. Maybe even stalker-like."

"He was not acting like a stalker Avery!"

"He stared at me the entire time Addison!"

"He probably thought you were cute," she shrugged taking some of the utensils to the kitchen.

"Doubt it."

"Do you think they'll come back?"

I shrugged. "I don't know.."

I kind of hope they don't.

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