Chapter 5

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My cheek still felt like it was burning by the time Monday came. Of course, that could've been just because I kept thinking about it. I know I keep telling Addison and myself that I don't like Harry, but I think my feelings have started to change. I find myself thinking about him all the time, and how much fun our date had been, and I just want to hang out with him again.

"Oh, thanks.." I heard Addison say.

"I'll call you," the really cute guy said.

She blushed and nodded.

"Wow, who was that?" I asked once the guy left.

"His name is Evan, and he wants to go out on a date Friday."

"He's cute. Did you say yes?"

"I said maybe."

"Because of Niall?" I smirked.

She groaned. "Maybe I will go; it's what I need."

"What do you need?"

She jumped at the sound of Niall's voice. "Hey.."




She smiled and went to make it. Niall followed her behind the counter and started to help her.. Actually, he kind of just made it himself.

"You never answered me," he smirked, pulling her closer by her red flannel. "What do you need?"

"Uh, um.. A break. It's been pretty busy today."

He narrowed his eyes, but wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer again. "Is this considered a break?"

"Yeah.. Just a little."

"Just a little?"

She nodded.

"Well, I didn't realize it was this kind of place," Louis said as he walked in. "Sorry, we were just a little bit behind Niall, and then he sprinted all the way here, and now I know why." Louis's eyes shifted to Addison and she blushed.

I laughed. "Hey Louis."

"Hello love. How ya doin'?"

"Pretty good. What can I get you?"

"Iced caramel latte?"

"No problem."

He smiled. "And I think that's what Zayn and Liam want as well."

"I got it," Addison said as she started moving away from Niall, much to his displeasure.

I heard the door open, and looked up. Harry's eyes immediately found mine... I could feel the butterflies spreading through my stomach as he smiled. This is so far from the feelings I actually expected to feel. I did my best to ignore the feelings as he made his way over to me, though it got increasingly harder once he was standing directly in front of me.

"Hi," he said, his smile still wide on his face.


"I would've called you or texted you yesterday, but I realized I didn't have your number."


He raised his eyebrows, and continued to look at me.

"Oh, did that mean you wanted it?"

He laughed. "Yeah, it did."

I laughed and got out a pen. "I, uh, don't have any paper or anything right here.."

He stuck out his hand.

"Or maybe we can just scratch the pen and I can put it in your phone since I know you have it on you."

"You know, that might work. And I can put my number in your phone."

"Sorry, but my phone is in the back and I have drinks to make."

"Fine," he smirked. He gave me his phone and I quickly put my number in, and then gave it back to him. "Niall, can you make me something?"

"Sure, what do you want?"


"Well, considering I only to how to make one thing, that's what you're going to get."

He laughed and leaned on the counter. I started working on Louis's order, and Niall started working on Harry's. Addison was already almost done with Liam's and Zayn's. Once the drinks were all distributed, Harry convinced me to sit down with Niall and Louis. Oddly, Addison stayed behind the counter.


Addison's POV

I watched as Avery and the three boys talked and laughed. I stayed behind the counter and looked at Evan's number. My plan was to put it in my phone so I would know if it was him that was texting me, but then Niall walked in. He was acting really different too. Being a lot more touchy and everything; it was like a complete 180 from when we were all hanging out in Avery's apartment.

She's done a 180 too. I can tell she's really starting to like Harry. She acts like she doesn't and yet, here she is, letting him trace the pattern on her floral print skinny jeans, and hiding behind her white shirt covered hands. Harry moved his hand to her knee, and she blushed and tucked her brown hair behind her ear. Part of me wished she would open up to him, and even me, but it'll probably take time. I'm not sure what she's so afraid of..

I looked down at the napkin and traced his name and number with my finger.

"What's that? Who's Evan?"

I looked up at Niall, his blue eyes harsher than normal. "This guy that came in here earlier."

"Oh, do you like him or something?"

I shrugged. "He's really cute, and he wants to take me out on a date.."

"You're going on a date with him?"

"Well considering he hasn't officially asked me, not yet, but we'll see."

"What's so great about him?"

My eyes stared into his. What's the big deal? "Why are you so worked up about this?"

"I'm not, I was just wondering."

I continued to look at him, and he cleared his throat before taking the napkin away from me.

"Evan. I'm assuming he's got brown hair and is insanely preppy."

I smirked. "Are you a little jealous Horan?"

"No, not at all. But, maybe I was kind of hoping I'd get the chance to take you out."

"Yeah? And when would this date have happened?"

"Tomorrow, as soon as you get out of work."

"Sounds amazing."

He smiled and his eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. "When, exactly, would you have gotten off work?"



I bit my lip and looked away.

"Who knows, maybe I'll see you tomorrow, at two.."

I laughed. "Maybe. It's seems like a good possibility."

"Ni, come on. We have to think of a lie to Liam and Zayn about why we don't have their drinks anymore," Louis said.

"I'm coming."

I looked up and watched as Niall slowly backed away, and as he slid the napkin into his back pocket. "Niall," I laughed. "Evan's number-"

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't lose that."

I laughed again and he winked, and then he turned completely around and went to catch up with Louis and Harry. Avery came over to me, both of us blushing like crazy.

"They are way too good at flirting," she said.

"Definitely," I agreed.

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