Chapter 9

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Avery's POV

I laughed as Harry made a face at me through the glass of the recording studio. He had been doing it since we got here, and while I thought it was the most adorable thing ever, others were getting slightly annoyed because he was focusing more on me than the song.

"Styles, focus a little less on your girl and a little more on the music," one of the guys said. I'm not too sure which one, since this is the first time I've been here.

"Have you seen her? It's a little difficult to focus on music when all I can see is her beautiful face."

"If she's that distracting then she may never be able to come back."

"I see. Let's play the track again."

I laughed, and the same guy turned to look at me.

"Will you do me a favor?"

"Um sure."

"Will you go in there and find some way to make sure he maintains focus?"

I nodded and got up, then walked inside the booth.

"I don't think Julian is going to be happy if you're in here."

Julian, that's his name. "He told me to. He asked if I could find a way to get you to focus."

"And exactly how are you going to do that in this very small space?"

I laughed. "I honestly have no idea."

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug, and I suddenly had a brilliant idea. I unwillingly pulled away from him and looked into his gorgeous green eyes that I adore so very much.

"Sing to me."

"What?" he laughed. "Like right now?"

"No.. I meant when you're singing for the track; sing to me."

"Oh, I got it."

I smiled and he pulled me back in for a hug, and what I was hoping would be a kiss, but it was just a hug. I'm really wanting this first kiss with Harry to happen soon.

"I'll sing to you, but you might want to go sit down now before Julian yells at you."

"Good idea."

My hand slowly fell from his as I walked back to the couch I had been sitting on and waited for the singing to begin. He did exactly as promised, and Julian gave me a 'thank you' smile. I smiled back and pulled my knees up to my chest, while covering my hands with the sleeves of my maroon and white sweater. Part of me was enjoying being here, and listening to him sing, but the other part of me -my mind- was thinking of our relationship.

We're official. Have been for a couple weeks now, and he still hasn't kissed me. I'm debating on whether or not I should make the first move, but I really want him to. I'm also not getting why he hasn't kissed me yet. He's been pretty forward with every other aspect of our relationship, except this. Maybe I should just go for it.

"Hey love," Niall smiled. I returned it and he sat down next to me. "Recording going okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. I finally got Harry back on track so I think Julian likes me a little bit now."

"Couldn't focus with you in here?"


He laughed, and shook his head. "He really likes you."

I nodded slowly, and bit my lip. I suddenly turned my whole body towards Niall and took a deep breath. "Can I ask you something?"


"How did you know it was the right time to kiss Addison?"

His eyes moved from feature to feature on my face, probably trying to read me.

"I'm sorry.. It's none of my business. Sorry."

"No, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting it. Um... I knew she was probably going to leave, so I wanted to give her a good reason to stay, or at least for her to maybe come back someday. Basically, I just wanted her to know that I really do care about her."


"That probably wasn't any help to you at all."

"Not unless Harry's leaving soon."

His brows furrowed in question.

"Harry hasn't kissed me yet, and I don't know if it's because it isn't the right time, or because of something else, and I can't decide if I want to be the one to make the move."

"Got it. Look, I know Harry can sometimes be hard to read, but not when it comes to girls. I'm positive that Harry really cares about you and he's probably already thought of the perfect moment."


He nodded. "Trust me. And it'll probably be when you least expect it."

"Thanks Ni."

"No problem love."

"Speaking of love, you never told me how your conversation with Addison went."


"Did it not go well?"

"It was at first and then it kind of ended in an argument."

"About what?"

"Her coming back."

"She is though."

"For a visit, but not to stay."


"That's what I said."

"I mean, I guess it makes sense, because she has a job now and everything, but it never really occurred to me that she wouldn't be coming back."

"Yeah. So anyway, I got upset and then she got upset that I was getting upset and wasn't really being understanding. And now I have to find a way to apologize."

"Did she say anything about when she might be coming back?"

"A couple weeks I think."

I groaned and Niall gave me a small smile that reflected exactly how upset he was about it too.

"Niall, you're up," Julian said.

"Bye Avery."

I waved and smiled as Harry came to stand in front of me.



I took his hand, and we started walking out of the recording studio. We walked in silence, and I wasn't sure where his head was at, but I knew where mine was.

Why was he being so silent? I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything that could upset him, but maybe I did. Maybe I shouldn't have talked to Niall. That shouldn't have upset him though, because it's not like we were being flirty or anything. Unless it looked that way? I pray that it didn't.

His hand tugged on mine, and I realized he wanted me to go in the opposite direction of my apartment. I didn't question it, and instead just went with it. Part of me was hoping that he was taking me to this amazing location to finally kiss me, and that's why I went along with it.. And then once I finally got home, I realized it was just a longer way to get home.

Which meant more time in silence. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

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