Chapter 2

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I walked out front while tying my black apron over my blue and white striped skirt. Addison was already cleaning the counters. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she also had her apron on. She was definitely a little more laid back at times. Today she was wearing black skinny jeans, a loose, long-sleeved gray shirt, and black converse.

"In losing hope," she sighed.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's been a few days and they haven't come back."

Oh. I'm not exactly upset about that. "They might show up again."

"Doubt it."

"You have to remember that they are One Direction; they probably have recording sessions or something."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna go grab some more chocolate and caramel."

I nodded, and looked up as I heard the door open. "Hey," I breathed.

Niall smiled. "Hi."

My eyes moved to the four boys behind him. "I see you brought everyone."

"Oh, yeah."

"I just realized I already- Niall," Addison said. I kind of wished I had a camera so I could capture her face when she saw him. It was absolutely priceless. "Oh, and everyone else."

He nodded and moved closer to the counter. "Do you know everyone's names, or should I introduce you guys?"

"You can introduce everyone," I said.

"Well, you've already met Harry.."

I resisted the urge to groan and roll my eyes, considering Harry was already staring at me.

"And this is Louis, Liam, and Zayn."

I waved, and Addison said hi. "So what do you guys want?" I asked.

Louis kind of bristled. "Um.."

"Like to drink," Addison clarified.


I laughed and started getting five cups as they were saying their orders.

"I'm sorry about, you know.. Not coming around earlier." Niall said a little nervously.

"No, it's fine. I figured you probably had stuff to do." Addison said while she was focusing on his drink.

"Yeah, we've been pretty busy."

"But everything's going good, right?"



I looked over at the two of them and noticed Addison was blushing, and Niall was nervously looking around. I laughed and shook my head.

"Here Louis."

"Thanks love."

I nodded and finished up Harry's as Addison started Zayn's.

Once everyone had their drinks, Addison and I started cleaning up and they sat at one of the tables that were there.

"Harry is still watching me, I can feel it."

"He likes you."

"If he likes me, then he should stop staring at me and tell me."

"Maybe he will," she smirked.

I looked up and realized Harry was walking over to us. She smiled and at him before saying there was something she had to do.

"Hey," he smiled.


"Uh.. Thanks for the coffee."

"No problem."


"Why have you been staring at me?" I didn't mean for it to sound rude, but I really wanted to know.

"I don't know. I'm sorry if it came across as creepy or something-"

"It did."

He smirked. "Well, I'm sorry about that. There's just something about you that I like and find completely enticing.."


"Is there a time when you're free?"

"Yeah. I don't work Saturdays or Sundays."

"Perfect. I'd like to take you out, on a date."

"Oh, I don't know Harry.."

"Great! I'll see you Saturday," he smiled and walked back to his friends, as I just stood there in complete shock.

He may think there's something about me that's enticing, but I find everything about him to be irritating.

"No, Niall!" I heard Addison laugh.


"It's supposed to go in the space between the chocolate."

"But once you put the coffee in, it ends up combining anyway."

"But it looks prettier the other way.."

He looked at her and I could pretty much tell what he wanted to say, but he blushed and looked back down at what he was doing. "Well, now we might as well put the coffee in."

She laughed again and went to go get it. She handed it to him, along with some whipped cream. He poured the coffee in and then added the whipped cream on top.

"And that's how you make your drink; pretty simple right?"

He nodded and picked the chocolate and caramel back up. He did something on top and handed it to her as he kissed her cheek. "Now it's yours. I'll see you soon, okay?"

She blushed and nodded. Niall glanced back at her one more time before leaving and running to catch up with the other guys. Addison walked over to me to grab a straw.

"So what'd he do?"

"Look at it."

I moved closer and saw that he made a chocolate heart outline with caramel inside. "That's so freaking adorable. I think he likes you a lot."

"I like him too.. I just wish I could see him more than when he needs to escape the crazy famous life."

"You will, I'm sure."

"Yeah," she sighed. "So what'd you and Harry talk about?"

"Apparently, I have a date with him on Saturday."

"What!? Why don't you sound excited?"

"Because I'm not. I really don't think I like him like that."

Her eyes narrowed. "Sure, okay."

"I'm serious! Why would I like a guy that constantly stares at me, and just tells me what I'm gonna do, even though I had already said no?"

She shrugged and started preparing things for the next couple of customers that were walking in.

I glared at her and started helping out. All I could think about, was Harry and his stupid smirk, and I was growing more and more irritated by the second.

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