Chapter 8

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Zophisa POV

I smiled softly as I walked down the isle toward Luka. There were many unfamiliar faces watching me and it made me uneasy.

Once I got to Luka he leaned down and whispered, "Why aren't you wearing the dress?" I wore a long sleeve, off white, satin jumpsuit that had a deep v-neck cut.

I kept the smile on my face and whispered, "Don't make me cause a scene." Luka just cleared his throat and stood up straight. I passed the bouquet to the random girl standing behind me and as she took it, she gave me a nasty look.

The priest started to talk but I tuned him out, I couldn't concentrate knowing my dad could be out risking everything I worked hard for.

"... Zophisa repeat after me," the priest command, "I, Zophisa Marie Johnson, take you, Luka Giovanni Ricca, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I, Zophisa Marie Johnson, take you, Luka Giovanni Ricca, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part," I repeated.

"The rings," the priest called. I turned around with a smile on my face and snatched the band from between the girl's fingers. She gave me an unpleasant look again while a girl in the front row snickered.

I slowly slid the ring on Luka's finger as the priest talked. And before I knew it he was saying, "you may now kiss the bride."

Luka leaned in slowly, making me roll my eyes and connect our lips. He placed his hands on the small of my back causing me to roll my eyes again and wrap my arms around his shoulders. When we pulled away people were cheering and we smiled.

"Mr add Mrs. Ricca will not be holding a post-wedding reception," a man announced, "They appreciate your time, thank you." Another man came up right after him and said something in Italian.

"Why in the hell are we still standing here?" I asked Luka, the goofy smile never leaving my face.

"We're about to have a meeting, you're going to meet my gang," he answered.

"Who's the redhead?" I asked, referring to the girl who was standing behind me during the ceremony.

"A baiter," he answered.

"I hope you aren't too fond of her," I said as I turned and looked at her. She was looking at me out of the corner of her eye while talking to a few guys.

"Why?" Luka asked, turning  to look at me.

"Because I'm going to kill her," I said, smiling at him.

Just as he was about to object, the church doors closed and locked, causing everyone to sit down. I watched the redhead carefully as she sat down in the front row.

"I need my bag," I said to Luka, not taking my eyes off the girl.

"Go get my wife her bag," he commanded. Seconds later someone handed me the bag and I pulled out my makeup wipes.

"As you all know," Luka spoke, "this is my wife. She is a very skilled woman from America, skilled in every way we need her to be and then some. My wife is a cold blooded murderer and I know for a fact she can take out all of you with the same cigarette."

As he was saying all of this I was removing all of my makeup and watching the expression of everyone change.

"Please, I could do what she does and more," the redhead said, rolling her eyes. She had a Russian accent, which was weird

"Valentina, I wouldn't," a guy warned. I looked and realized it was the guy I pistol whipped in the parking lot of the club.

"Valentine, was it?" I asked, sarcastically.

"No-," she started, but was interrupted by me.

"Get up, let's see how tough you really are," I challenged.

It took me forever to get this chapter done because I know NOTHING about weddings 😭 hope you guys like it
Xox- NX

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