Chapter 17

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Luka P.O.V

2 weeks later

"There better me a damned good reason why you pulled me and my wife out of bed at three in the morning" I told Marco, my publicist. He came knocking on my door about ten minuites ago.

He looked over at Zophisa, who had on sunglasses and a black vail that covered her face, then looked back at me before explaining in Italian.

"Speak english," Zophisa barked, making him jump a little.

"It seems someone is releasing information to the press about you and your wife," He said, carefully.

"You woke me up at three in the morning for a rumor?" Zophisa asked lowly, scaring Marco.

"You will excuse my wife Marco, she values her sleep," I apologized. I looked over at Zophisa's covered face before speaking, "Can you please relax amore?" She just sighed heavily.

"He has released pictures of a girl who looks to be your wife, associating with gang members. He says she plans to rob and kill you for your money," Marco whispered

"Who is he?" I asked, leaning forward and folding my hands together.

"Alexander Bunch," Marco answered. Zophisa just stood up from the couch where were sat next to each other.
"Where are you going?" I called after her.

"Back to bed," she answered, walking upstairs.

"The reason I came was to inform you about that and also let you know you two have an interview with Anna Russo. It will be your first interview as a married couple and I did not want you to be thrown off with these new allegations. People are taking these allegations very seriously since Mr. Bunch was a very close business associate to you until your wife fired him," Marco informed, "And given your past with Ms. Russo, I did not want your wife to be overwhelmed if things got a little come si dice, complicato."

"What past?" Zophisa said from the balcony of the stairs, gaining our attention. She looked like a majestic evil queen, standing in the moonlight wearing all black. She had taken her veil and sunglasses off, but her face was invisible in the dark.

"Maybe, I should leave you two alone to talk," Marco said, standing to leave.

"No-" I started, but was cut off by Zophisa.

"Luka, you know how I get," she said, referring to what happened the day we got married.

"We will talk to you first thing tomorrow morning before the press," I said to Marco as I walked him to the door. We said our goodbyes and I locked the house up. I turned to go upstairs with Zophisa, but she was already standing behind me.
"Itis not what you think," I said, lowly.

"It better not be," she said, curling her finger under my chin seductively, "Or I'll kill her, just like I did the other one." She was right, Valentina did die that night, and Zophisa laughed when she heard the news.

"You say you hate me, yet you kill for me. Why?" I asked.

"I'm a murderer baby, it's what I do," She said.

"You're not a murderer," I told her, leaning in closer to her touch.

"I killed my own fiancee, don't I get credit for that?" She asked.

"That doesn't make you a murderer," I informed.

"What does it make me?" She asked, leaning in closer to me.

"Insane," I said, looking at her plump lips as they formed into a smirk.

"Then so be it," she whispered. She pulled my chin down toward her, finally connecting our lips. Our tongues fought for dominance, until I eventually won. She pulled away with a smirk on her face.

"So who is she?" She finally asked as we walked up the stairs.

"We were never together, we actually hate each other," I explained.

"Any reason why?" She asked, climbing into the California king bed she still wouldn't let me sleep in.

"I do not know, I never have," I said truthfully, "I went to a press conference one day and she was there, spewing hatred at me."

"She probably wants to fuck you," she said, getting comfortable in the bed.

"Do not be jealous babe, you're my only girl," I said with a wink.

"That was the whitest shit you've ever said, don't say nothing like that again," she said with a chuckle. "And don't think I like you because I let you kiss me."

"No, you kissed me," I corrected.

"No, if I would've kissed you, I'd be pregnant by now," she joked.

"Oh, is that right?" I asked, amused.

"Yeah baby, I just got it like that," she said, popping her imaginary collar.

"Goodnight, Zophisa," I said with a chuckle, about to walk out of the room.

"Hey," she called out, making me stop and turn around. "Stay here with me."

And we back! Hey guys, I just started college 🤗 I'm trying to get better at this.

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