Chapter 30

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Zophisa P.O.V

"I just don't understand why you bought more designer bags when you already came here with so many," Luka stressed as we sat on the closet floor and packed my stuff. We decided that I would leave tomorrow afternoon.

"Do you know how satisfying it is to shop for designer in Venice?" I asked. He was about to respond but was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Damn I can't get a moment's peace," I mumbled before answering, "Hello?"

"Hey baby," my mom said through the phone.

"What's up mom?" I asked.

"I'm at your gate," she said.

"The gate?" I asked "What you doing here?" I walked out of the closet and to the intercom to buzz her in. I quickly walked down the steps in my usual nighttime attire, one of Luka's shirts.

I hung up the phone as I opened the door, the cold wind of the night smacking my legs. I watched as she parked the car she was driving in the driveway in front of the house.

I watched her get out of the car and walk over to be before I embraced her into a tight hug.

"Come in," I said, guiding her in. When we walked in the house Luka was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"You remember my mom," I said to him, motioning to her. He reached out and shook her hand.

"What's going on?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I stressed, running my hand through my braids.

"I'm going to let you two talk. I'll be right upstairs okay?" He assured, looking me in my eyes. I just nodded before he walked upstairs.

"What's wrong? Why you here? Where your bags?" I questioned as I led her to the kitchen.

"I'm not staying long. I just needed to talk to you," she said, sitting down.

"You couldn't have called me? Or waited for me to get to New York?" I asked as I started to make her a sandwich.

"You would've hung up," She answered with a shrug, "This conversation needed to happen before you came home." She put a soft emphasis on the word home.

"You starting to scare me. Talk to me," I said to her.

"I want you to stay here," she said softly.

"Why?" I asked, not taking my attention off the sandwich.

"You happy."

"I'm lonely."

"You lying."

"How you gonna tell me?" I asked, smushing the sandwich together and cutting it in half. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and sat the plate down in front of her.

"You are my child. I know you better than you know yourself," she said, biting the sandwich. I just scoffed.

"I'm gonna miss your sandwiches," she said after a long pause of silence.

"Why do you want me to stay?" I asked, squinting my eyes out of suspicion. She sighed and sat her sandwich down on the plate.

"I failed you as a mother," She said.

"No you didn't-," I started.

"Yes I did," she cut me off, "The moment I realized I couldn't get you and your brother off the streets I started to exploit your power. More so you than him but still. I should've tried harder to save you."

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