Bonus Chapter 1

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Zophisa P.O.V

(1 year since the final chapter)

"Are you nervous?" My mom asked as she fixed the pins that were holding my curls in place.

"No," I said as I carefully put black liner around my lips.

"You're not nervous? I was all to pieces on my wedding day," Nana said from the couch across the room.

"Me too," Alice, Luka's stepmom, co-signed.

"We're already married," I said, applying some red lipstick then rubbing my lips together.

"But this time it's real," my mom pointed out.

"This time it's better," I corrected, "We're actually in love."

"My baby's in love," my mom gushed. I looked at her in the mirror before rolling my eyes.

"You're so dramatic," I said with a chuckle.

A knock came from the door before I heard Sincere's voice, "Can we come in?"

"Yeah," I called. He walked in immediately after and I put my hand over my mouth. His red suit looked amazing on him and it matched my dress perfectly.

"Best man of honor alive at your service," he said strutting in and spinning around.

"Zyaire you look so handsome," I said standing up and walking up to him.

"Imma let you slide on that 'cause is your wedding day," he said, referring to me calling him by his real name.

"I could've rocked that suit," Adrian grumbled from behind Sincere. He was still salty about me not picking him to be my man of honor.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you're walking me down the isle you can't do both," I stressed to him. He just waved me off.

"Fifteen minutes," Fefe said, barging into the room with Alessia.

"Where the hell have you been?" Nana asked.

"With dad," she said, pulling a bowl of fruit from behind her, "I found Alessia and I stole some fruit."

"My girl," I said, giving her a high five and taking a pineapple cube.

"Hi beautiful," I said, crouching down to Alessia's level.

"Hi," she said shyly.

"Don't be shy," I said poking her stomach, "You ready to steal the show?" She just nodded, making me smile.

"Okay we have to get you in this dress and those pins out," Alice said, standing from the couch.

"Here you are," Caterina said, holding up the dress bag.

"We'll be right outside the door," Adrian announced. I slowly unzipped the bag and admired the dress before taking it out of the bag. I took my robe off and my mom helped me step into the dress.

I stared at myself in the mirror as she zipped it up.

"You look beautiful baby," Nana gushed. I just smiled as my mom started to take the pins out of my hair.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into wearing a lacefront," I said with a chuckle.

"You look amazing," she said as she ran her fingers through the curls.

"We got your things!" Caterina exclaimed suddenly.

"What things?" I asked.

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something red," she said cheerfully, making me chuckle.

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