Chapter 28

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Zophisa P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing on the nightstand. I threw my arm to the side, eyes still closed, and blindly reached for my phone.

"Hello," I answered, my voice faint.

"What's wrong with your voice?" Adrian asked. My eyes instantly popped open.

"Nothing. Wassup?" I croaked.

"What you want us to do with him? He basically dead," He said.

"Keep him alive for another week. Whatever you have to do. I'll be there soon," I ordered.

"Already. I'm gone fuck with you later though," he said.

"Alright be safe. Tell mommy call me," I told him.

"Always, I got you," he said before hanging up.

I quickly looked at the time on my phone and noticed how early it was. I lied back down before drifting off again.


I was awakened again a few hours later by the sound of Luka's phone ringing on my nightstand.

"Answer your phone," I grumbled.

"You answer it," he mumbled, still pretty much asleep.

I sighed and picked up the phone, "Hello."

"Buongiorno," a cheery female voice answered.

"What can I do for you?" I asked, throwing my arm over my eyes to block the light coming through the curtains.

She started speaking Italian. It's too early for this shit. I quickly sat the phone on Luka's ear. He spoke back, his eyes still closed. He sat up after hanging up.

"We have to get up," he said to me.

"I kinda figured," I said with a sigh. I sat up and stretched, making my bones pop.

"We have to go to the site we just got inventory," he said, rubbing his face. He sighed before looking at me. He quickly looked me up and down before licking his lips. I didn't bother using the sheet to cover myself up.

"Nah it's too early for that," I dismissed him.

"I was just admiring my work," he said staring at my chest with a smirk.

"Your what?" I asked, looking down at my chest. It was littered with hickeys that stood out even with the tattoos all over my chest.
"You son of a bitch," I said with a chuckle.

"Cute right?" He asked with a smirk.

"Fuck you," I said, throwing a pillow at him.

"You already did. Seven times, raw," He said with a wink.

"I'm getting in the shower," I said, sliding off the bed.


I pulled my ripped jeans over my light red lace bodysuit. I pulled my red thigh boots on and up. I stood up from the ottoman, tied my the strings on my boots, and walked over to my purses. I picked up my red and gold Michael Kors bag and hugged it.

"I missed you so much," I said to the bag.

"It's been in the closet the whole time," Luka said from the other side of the closet.

"But I haven't worn it since New York," I explained, "And mind your business we having a moment."

"I got you something," Luka said, making me turn around. His hands were behind his back. He pulled a small bag from behind his back. I grabbed it and pulled beautiful a red veil out.

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