Chapter 19

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Luka P.O.V

"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Bunch yelled, looking back and forth between Zophisa and me. He was tied to his office chair with his hands behind his back and ankles bound together. We had men outside the door and surrounding the house just in case.

"That's right Alex, you figured it out," Zophisa taunted as she circled his chair.
"And honestly I'm suprised. From what I know about you, you kind of stupid."

"You ignorant bi-" he was cut off by Zophisa's fist colliding with his face.

"I did NOT give you permission to talk!" She yelled as she grabbed his hair and forced him to look at her. "You really fucked up when you sold that story to the press." She let his hair go and reached into the pocket of her leather jacket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"So what, you two are going to kill me now?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"You fucking wish," Zophisa mumbled with the cigarette dancing between her lips. I pulled my phone from my back pocket as she lit her cigarette.

"Alexandra, Micha, Mary, Elizabeth, and Leonardo," I said aloud as I read the list on my phone, "Your siblings, parents, and child."

"You managed to piss us off, which was your first mistake," Zophisa said, blowing smoke into the air.

"Instead of killing you, we're going to pick someone you love off one by one until we feel satisfied," I said, walking towards him.

"You wouldn't," he dared.

"We already did," I said.

"You're bluffing," he said, his eyes darting back and forth between me and Zophisa. Neither of us responded but the silence was soon cut short by the office phone ringing.

"Let's find out," Zophisa said, walking behind his desk to the phone. I grabbed the back of his chair and turned it so he was facing her.

She pressed the speaker button on the phone. "Say hello," she mouthed to him. He didn't speak so I raised my gun to his head and cocked it back.

"H-hello," he stuttered.

"Alexander, it's mum and dad. They were in a horrible collision. They've died Alexander," the woman wept on the phone. Zophisa pouted mockingly as tears slid down Alexander's face.

"Say goodbye," Zophisa mothed, her finger hovering above the phone. 

"I have to go," Alexander said, lowly, "I lo-" he was cut off by a dail tone.

"You took too long," Zophisa whispered.

"Can you just kill me?" Alexander pleaded hysterically.

"No," I said, turning his chair back towards me. 

"Luka, you know me! Why are you doing this?" He screamed.

"You know me as well Alexander. Why would you think I would allow you to disrespect my wife?" I asked.

"She is not your wife! Don't you see what she is doing to you man?" He stressed. I rolled my eyes before lifting my gun and hitting him in the face with it.

"Shut up," I said through gritted teeth. I crouched down so we were eye to eye.
"You disrespectful little midget, you better watch how you speak of my wife. I like to think of myself as a lenient man but you've somehow managed to piss me off." I stood back up and adjusted the black leather gloves on my hand. I raised my gun and shot him in the shoulder.

"Oh my goodness, shut up," Zophisa said, holding her temple as he shouted in pain.

"Please please please," Alexander pleaded as he sobbed uncontrollably. 

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