Chapter twenty-two

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Niall's P.O.V

I slowly crept through the house in the wooden floor. Checking each room, kitchen dining room, to find out Brad was no where to be seen.

There were no gun shots outside, so no one has tried to escape this house.

"Niall!!" Harry screams at the top of his lungs. His voice coming from the, basement?

"Harry?! I'mm coming buddy stay with me!" I called a bit hesitant if going down there.

"Niall help me!!" His screams louder and more painful then before.

Boom! A gun shot. Boom! Boom! Two more.

I raced down the basement stairs to find Harry tied to a chair, and his white shirt drenched in blood.

Harry was shot three times. And now. I don't think he's going to make it. He's gone.

"You bastard!! Show yourself!!" I screamed loudly.

He wants a dark Niall. I will give him a Dark Niall.

"Long time no see Niall Horan." Brad's voice rang from the shadows of the basement.

"I said show your fucking self!!" I yelled, a vein popping out of my neck, as I gripped my gun tighter.

"Why should I? shouldn't you come an find me?" His voice having a venomous, tone.

"You killed Harry. Harry Styles. My fucking best friend!! The one to comfort my wife the most when I'm not there or I screwed up!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my face turning red.

"Nahh. He's not worth it." Brad said creeping out of the shadows holding a gun to my face.

"Shoot me, and I will pull the trigger." He snickered.

"That's a chance I'm willing to take. This is for Harry you sick bastard."

Katie's P.O.V

I laid in the hospital bed curling into Liam, watching the news with him braiding my hair.

I watched the case report hearing more gun shots going on inside.

Harry, Zayn and Niall in that house.

I hope they are all ok, I just hope they killed Brad; So we all can hangout watch movies an have a great time.

"Whatcha ya think about, love?" Liam asked out of the blue.

"Nothing Liam. I'm just hoping everyone is ok." I said and smiled through my broken face.

"I know damn well that's the truth." he smiled kissing my fore head.

"I vowed to help protect you for Niall. He can't loose you ever again."

"I can't loose him either, or you guys. You guys are my world." I smiled up at him.

"News report is just in two dead bodies were founded inside the cabin just ten minutes ago." The reporter said into the camera.

"It has to be the Brad and one of his men!" I smiled as Liam smiled watching.

"Police Chief has discovered the bodies as Brad Scooper, and Harry Styles." She said.

My whole heart dropped and so did my heart. Literally, I was starting to have a panic attack.

"Katie." Liam asked and got out of the bed shaking me as I didn't respond.

Harry. My best friend. Gone.

"Nurse!!" Liam yelled as I slowly closed my eyes.

"You'll be ok Katie, you will be ok."

Niall's P.O.V

I watched as they carried out Brad's body as I held Harry close into my arms crying.

I never cry, and people new that. Especially Harry Styles.

"Niall, he's gone now. W-We have to go meet Katie at the hospital." Zayn whimpered.

"This is all your damn fault." I mumbled really lowly.

I was looking down at the pale curly boy in my arms as tears fell onto his face and rolled down his cheeks.

"My fault?" Zayn asked in curiosity.

"If you hadn't left my side and join Simon, Katie and I plus the boys would have had a good life!!" I yelled, my eyes turning dark and teeth gritted together.

"I-I'm sorry, you're right." He said as the paramedics took Harry away.

"I will get you Zayn Malik. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow. But I will find you." I growled a bit to harsh.

I knew I wasn't going to hurt him, and the fear on his face was a good satisfaction for me.

I hoped back into my car and drove to the hospital Katie was at to deliver the news, just to see her sleeping in bed with Liam next to her.

I smiled as I planted my bruised and cut lip on her forehead as I sat on the chair holding her hand, before falling into a deep sleep.

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