Chapter twenty-four

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Zayn's P.O.V

"Zayn you're being ridiculous." Perrie exclaimed on the phone as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I know Perrie. But I think staying at a hotel far away from Niall is the best thing right now." I explained.

"He's not going to actually kill you." She said.

I remembered the words Niall spoke.

'I will get you Zayn Malik. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow. But I will find you.'

I shook a bit, as chills ran down my spine from just the thought of it.

"Zayn." Perrie said, I rubbed my face and look into the bathroom mirror of the hotel.

"Fine. I'll be home soon. I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too."

Niall's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining into the bedroom me and Katie share. Only one problem. Katie is gone.

As nervous as I get, I start to panic just to only find my self panicking over nothing, as she walked out of the bathroom dressed.

"Whoa. Did I wake you up?" She asked softly as I shook my head.

"Showered already?" I asked pulling her onto my lap and starring into her eyes.

She nodded slowly and smiled kissing my nose, making me crinkle a little, earning a giggle.

"Shall I make breakfast?" She asked as I nodded smiling.

"Remember today." I said softly, taking her hands in mine.

I watched as he whole face faded. "The memorial service." She said.

I nodded. "The funeral is today." I said.

"I'll go get the kids ready now the ." She said softly walking out of the room.

I sighed grabbing some new clothes and heading for the bathroom to lock the door and taking a warm shower.

It's been a few days an now the funeral is already here.

I'm a mess with out him. He's not going to magically be ok like I was when I 'died'.

I want my friend back. I rather have me die then him, since he could comfort Katie more than I ever could.

I let a tear fall again as I sniffled cleaning my body and hair.

I put on my best suite and headed down stairs to eat my break fast and watched the girls get into there dresses and Jake into his little tux.

I smiled and planted a kiss on his head, watching Katie come down in a nice plain black dress.

"Katie." I whispered putting my dishes in the sink and went to her pulling her into a hug.

"Yes Niall." She whispered.

"You look absolutely amazing." I whispered into her ear, earning her gorgeous smile in return.

A New Beginning (Last book for Change your Life Series)Where stories live. Discover now