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I seemed to have a weakness for boys named Phillip.

In the eighth grade, I somehow became seat neighbour with Phillip. We both happened to be good at Latin, and he was extremely outgoing. So after he had got me into translating Latin extracts together, we ended up doing every single task in other subjects in partner work as well. And he was dogmatic as hell which made me yell at him a lot. My classmates passed me surprised glances. 'Cause, I'd never been that kind of girl who get easily provoked, then throw a tantrum, and storm out of the room. I always kept my composure, no matter how outraged I was. But he brought the worst out of me.

Nevertheless, he also was the best seat neighbour I had ever had. Unlike all of my previous seat neighbours, he treated me as a normal girl. My taciturnity didn't prevent him from talking to me, whereas the others ignored me just because I appeared unapproachable.

Never mind. I wasn't interested anyway. Guessed that growing up being invisible did have its perks.

Unfortunately, my feelings for him remained platonic. I actually wished for the opposite because he was the first boy in my age I felt confident and brave enough to speak to or to hang out with. Perhaps, that was exactly the problem. He was simply too nice, too sweet that he would have been capable of turning me jittery.

The Phillip now, however, somehow managed to confuse my subconsciousness so that suddenly, it was filled with thoughts of him although we had far more less classes together that year.

We chose the same sport class though. It was only then I realised how ridiculously hot he was. He has an athletic but yet strong physique. Broad shoulders, slim waist, muscular legs. I couldn't stand guys with skinny arms and legs. That simply didn't look good. A pretty face could not compensate for it. No offence, really.

I was being superficial, undoubtedly. But he did have an agreeable character. He always said hi whenever he walked by, smirked and held the door open for me.

I sighed and gave him one last surreptitious glance before heading off home. I hated that the sport class was scheduled for the late afternoon. Otherwise my Monday would already finish at 2 p.m. It was getting worse once winter had arrived.

Today was a beautiful autumn day. The sun was still shining bright. The streets were quiet and relinquished. Suddenly I heard foot steps close behind me. I became agitated, having been told enough rape-relating stories by mum.

I picked up my pace but those steps continued to haunt me. I didn't dare to look behind because, who knew what was going to happen?

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