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Sunday I was an utter mess. I couldn't concentrate on anything. The kiss kept flashing back, and I was brooding over the text message from Phillip.

We are not done.

What does that even mean?

There was nothing more to be done! We hadn't started anything, after all.

Well. That was not entirely true. Technically, I did land myself in something. I'd kissed him for a stupid game, and he'd kissed me back. And it had been so good that the butterflies in my stomach went wild.

O Lord.

Digging my face into my armpits, I let out a desperate sigh. Here we go. Phillip Walkers officially possessed my mind.


Monday, however, was worse. It was like someone recognised that I did something inappropriate, and therefore put a spell on me so I was destined to pay for it.

I kept crossing ways with him. In the morning, at the cycle racks when he was locking his bike; in the breaks while I was rushing to the next class; during lunch, and in German class. All day long I'd been trying to avoid him like some crazy lunatic. By the end of the day, I was beyond exhausted.

I could've get out of biology on time unless Raphael had caught me.

"Wait, Susannah."


I pulled a face before turning toward him.

"What's up?" I sounded a way too cheerful.

He rounded the desk, approaching. "Look, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime? Maybe we can grab lunch together tomorrow?"

I stopped packing my books, stunned. I'd thought that the whole hitting-on-me thing would only be limited to the party. He would by no means be genuinely interested in me, wouldn't he?

"I ... gotta go." With that, I ran. I knew that running away ultimately did not solve any crisis but aggravate it. I just had no clue what else to do.

I was absolutely not keen on "hanging out" (whatever that might insinuate) with Raphael. On the other hand, I wasn't able to turn him down. Never had a boy show such prodigious interest in me. Never had I experienced the feeling of pursued. Admittedly, it caused a wave of felicity flowing through my veins.

But it was wrong. It was wrong from me to play hard to get. I immediately decided to redo it the next day, which wasn't possible, since I'd caught the flu and therefore had to stay at home.

Hannah stopped by once to drop some worksheets for me. I told her about Raphael, and she laughed but regained her composure quickly.

"He's an absolute player. 'Hang out'? Believe me, it's not about lunch. He wants to get into your pants. I've seen him in action."

I gasped in horror.

"Congratulations though," she smiled cunningly and wiggled her brows, "you are playing in the upper level now. I mean, if Raphael wants you, then surely other hot guys have laid eyes on you as well.
Don't touch John though. He belongs to me."

I slapped her on the arm playfully. "As if I am becoming a bitch now just because apparently some players are eager to get into my pants."

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