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I returned to school on Friday even though I still felt like a crap. But we were having that big biology exam next week so that I was forced to come in, ensuring not to miss every Information that might be exam-relevant.

As soon as I entered the classroom, Raphael fell over me. Wrapping one arm around my shoulders, he lowered down his mouth to my ear and whispered: "My place today?" I frowned at the smelly scent from his breath.

Was this becoming a routine now? He hitting on me at every opportune moment until I say yes? If so, it was terrible. I didn't even understand what he saw in me. Sure I wasn't ugly. I did actually get compliments on my figure and my hairs. But I didn't fit Raphael's type. He only fooled around with doll-like brunettes. And I'd inherited the straight blond hairs from my mum and the height of my dad.

I lifted one hand in defence. "Please. Stop doing this. I have no clue what you're really up to. But I don't like it. At all. So leave me alone. Like you've done it before."

With that, I headed for my seat next to Hannah. I could felt how the glances of the others bored into my back. Luckily, we were five, the rest hadn't arrived yet. Hannah held out her hand for a high five. I shook my head and began taking out my books.

When I didn't encounter Phillip over the course of the day, my anxiety decreased. I even decided to attend German class although I had initially planned to skip it.

Finding Phillip's empty seat two rows behind mine, I exhaled, relieved. Two seconds later though, he and Raphael strode in, both wearing a grim expression. Their hairs stood up in all directions, and their clothes were creased. There was dirt sticking on Raphael's jacket, and braun moody stains on Phillip's trousers. When Raphael sat down beside me, the red bruises on his knuckles came to sight. I couldn't help but asked: "What happened? You guys got into a fight or something like that?"

He opened his mouth but then glanced back at Phillip. He was watching us. Raphael threw me an obscure smile. He moved closer so his leg touched mine. "I'll tell you if you get me some ice" whispered he into my ear.

I brought distance between us. "You can get it yourself," I said, unimpressed although I was dying to know the answer.

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