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I began to feel nauseous as he or she almost reached me. When I sensed a tap on my right shoulder, I found myself in a state a panic attack alike. I was not able to scream whatsoever.

"Hey, Susie," said a deep voice which was a little out of breath. "Damn you're fast."

I blinked, the wheels in my brain turning rapidly. Phillip?

I spun around. "For God's sake, Phillip! You scared me!"

His eyes widened at my unexpected outburst.

Shit. I lost my composure.

"I'm sorry-" we both apologised at the same time. I shut up. Embarrassed, I stared anywhere beside him.

"I'm sorry, ... You forgot your pen in the gym." He handed me my favourite pen which was turquoise and decorated with tiny golden leaves.

"Thank you," I whispered, somehow a little touched by this gesture.

"My pleasure."

I looked up. He was grinning at me. My heart flipped.

I smiled back, shyly. "Well, I better get going then. Ms May has given us tons of homework to do."

"Yeah, Rapha has been complaining as well. It's a pity that Mr Klein got promoted." Rapha a.k.a. Raphael was Phillip's best friend and my biology classmate.

I rolled my eyes. "Indeed. Especially for the males in my biology class. Now that there'll be no one who prefers them just because of their sex, they finally have to start working their ass off in order to get good grades."

He chuckled. A low, vibrant sound that I'd love to hear more often.

"Look, there's a gathering of the five biology classes at my house on Saturday night. You should come."

I fumbled at the hem of my jacket. I've been on few parties before and honestly? I regretted it. Every single time. Parties made me tense.

My hesitation must've given me away. "Phillip-"

He cut me off. "I insist."

I raised my eyebrows. So commanding. "Fine." I agreed finally.

The corners of his mouth went north in a triumphant way.

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