Chapter 7: Telling Production

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Melissa's POV

Today is the day. Last night was horrible enough, but now I have to go to set, and tell the producers and writers that I'm pregnant. Which could go okay or not good at all.

"Hey" Chris rolls over in bed and lays the back of his hand on my forehead, "how're you feeling this morning?"
"Tired," I whisper smiling, as I lay a kiss on his gentle lips.

"Wish we could stay here forever," he says, pulling the covers away from himself.
"No!" I groan and try to keep him in bed.
"Someone's gotta go to work," he says then taps my nose with his index finger.

"I don't want to today," I complain and flop back onto the bed.
"I know darling," he whispers and lifts me out of bed.

Chris's POV

I offer to drive Melissa to set and she doesn't refuse, but I have to beg her to eat something for 20 minutes.

"Melissa, come on. You're growing a human inside you, and you're not hungry?"
"I feel like poop," she pouts.
"I know," and I hold out a granola bar and banana for her..
"You know, I love you right?" she says, taking the food from my hands.

When we get to set, it's her begging me instead.
"You don't have to say anything! I'll do the talking," she pleads.
"Fine, fine, fine, for you," I mutter.

Melissa's POV

I've been dreading this from the very start. I don't want to put production back.

"Hi, Mel. How're you?" asks the producer, Greg Berlanti.

I look around the room and see so many people, I was not expecting this many people.

"I'm doing alright," I say.
"You sash you had something you wanted to tell us?" he asks.
"Yes, well" I look over at Chris, "Chris and I are expecting a baby."

Greg looks around at the other shocked-ish faces and then he smiles, "congratulations."
"Thanks," I whisper and Chris just nods.

"Okay, so. We'll have to move up production, get green-screen action done sooner and work on alternative shots to use. It'll be fine," he says , glancing around at everyone and writing rapidly on a note-pad.

After he comes up to me, "I'm sure you were aware we could not write this into Kara's storyline."
"Yes, I knew that," I say.
"Okay. How far along are you, may I ask."
"15 weeks," I tell him.
"We can work with that," he says and pats me on the shoulder.

Chris's POV

I leave once she's called into hair and makeup and go back to the apartment.

I flop into the couch and open my laptop. I click on a writing program and start typing.

Dear Little One (15 weeks),
Your mom just had to tell the production team of Supergirl that she was expecting you. It had to be done even though she wants to keep you a surprise.
You'll probably be born in Canada so we'll need to get you a crib in the apartment. I can't wait to meet you.
-Your Daddy.

I press save and put it into a folder called 'Little One'. I turn on the TV and wait until Melissa texts me that she's done.

Hope you enjoyed!

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