Chapter 56: In Los Angeles

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Melissa's POV

The truck arrived at 6am to take our stuff to Los Angeles. Whenever someone wakes Willow up, she cries and cries until she finally falls back asleep. That is what's happening right now.

"Willow, calm down please," Chris says.
He's on his knees in-front of her with his hands in both of her shoulders. She's crying so much that her eyes are red, tears streaming down her cheeks rapidly.

Another mover comes in the apartment and Chris stands to get the next box ready. Willow doesn't move, so I stand from where I was sitting by the windows and lead her into the bedroom where there's only a sleeping bag left on the ground for her.

She slips into the sleeping bag and I crouch down next to her. "Shh, Lo. Go to sleep."
"I try," she whines.

I stay there next to her, stroking her hair until she falls asleep again.

Chris's POV

We leave for the airport around one in the afternoon.

Willow is better now. Before, she was acting different than she usually does. I think it was just her reaction to everything changing in her world.

After the plane takes off, Willow settles her head on my shoulder and falls asleep soon after. I silently hope that she wakes up on her own because I don't exactly want a repeat of the morning.

"I hope we won't have to wake her," says Melissa, not looking up from her book.

We arrive in Los Angeles pretty late, well past Willow's bedtime.

"We can pick up the dogs from Grants tomorrow. He lives on the other side of town and I'm tired," says Melissa.
"Sounds good."

I put Willow to bed in her own room that Melissa decorated when the two of them were here last July together.

"Good night, dadda," whispers Willow before I close the door after telling her goodnight.
"Good night Willow Marie."

Melissa's POV

While Chris is putting Willow to bed I start to think of a way to get to the store to get a pregnancy test without Chris becoming suspicious.

Just in the middle of my thoughts, Chris comes down the long hallway in our LA apartment and into the living room where I'm sitting on the couch.

"I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm very tired," Chris says.
"Alright. I'm going to go to the store really quick, so we have stuff for breakfast tomorrow."
"Okay. Good night."

He kisses my forehead then heads back down the hall to our bedroom.

I leap off the couch and take the perfect chance to get a pregnancy test and take it while Chris and Willow are sleeping.

I grab my sweater and shoes and head out for the store.

Everyone saw that coming guaranteed.

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