Chapter 27: Back to Set

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Melissa's POV

"I got a text from Greg," I tell Chris. "He wants to be at set at eleven in the morning."

Our first night back at home went pretty well. Luckily for us Willow is a sound sleeper and she didn't cry a lot last night.

For Chris though, he was just happy not to be sleeping on a hospital couch anymore.

"Okay. Did you want me to drive you there?" Chris asks me.
"No, it's fine. You can stay here with Willow," I say, standing next to Chris who is holding her and brush my hand over her head.
"Okay then."

I drive to set in quiet. No music. No nothing. I need silence right now after being in a life hospital for a week and a half.

I go and pick up my lines from main trailer the go to hair and makeup.
"Melissa! Good morning darling!"
"Hi, good morning," I say as I sit myself down in my usual seat.

I run through me lines quickly then go back to my trailer to get into wardrobe.
Today's outfit is loose and not restraining, which I like. I sit down by the mirror and rehearse my lines until I get called to set to film.

Chris's POV

The package with the car seat arrives while Melissa's at set, so I find a pillow and a blanket to lie Willow down on and start putting it together.

It's easier than putting the crib together obviously because I only have to add a few things. I get it done in ten minutes then pick Willow up again to go get a glass of water.

I spend the remainder of the time Melissa's at set playing and showing Willow all her toys and it's pretty hilarious, watching her make noises and smile.

Melissa texts me that she's on her way home around five, so I drag the crib out into the living room and place Willow in it.
I then go and look through recipes to see what I should make for dinner.

When Melissa comes home I have almost finished making some spaghetti.
"Looks delicious," she says, then kisses me lightly on the lips before going over and seeing Willow.

Melissa's POV

"How was set?" Chris asks while we're sitting at the table eating the spaghetti he made.
"It was alright. The few people who knew I was pregnant" I say, "didn't make a huge scene that I had had the baby to not attract unwanted attention, which was nice of them."
"That's good," Chris says.

"How was alone time with Lo-Lo?"
"We tested out all her toys and she seemed to like most of them," he says.
"Good, I'm glad," I say, glancing over at the crib where she lays.

"Do you want to go to bed early?" he asks, finishing his dinner.
"Yeah, I am kind of tired."

He pushes the crib back into our bedroom then I pick out some pyjamas for Willow and dress her in them while he takes a shower.

Once everyone's in bed there's the perfect silky our steady breaths in the evening sun.

Hope y'all enjoyed!

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