Chapter 20: She's Here! Sort of.

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Melissa's POV

I wake up to a harsh pain in my stomach area and frantically touch Chris's arm to wake him.

"Yeah?" he whispers.
"Contractions," I manage through the pain.
"Really? Okay," he struggles for his phone. "Tell me when the next one is and I'll time it."
"Okay," I breath in and out until the next contraction comes.

A couple minutes later, "another one." I groan, leaning forward.

After a bit, "stop."
"That was six minutes," he tells me.
"Okay, we need to go."

Chris rushes around making sure we have everything. When he realizes I never packed a bag he turns and waves the pretty much empty bag in the air, with frustration.

"Sorry," I mouth and he gives me a partially sympathetic look.

Later, when the doctor comes in the room he says we'll have to be moved to another room. I kind of start to panic since this room looks fine for giving birth to me, but I guess not.

Slowly, we make it to the other room.
"Lay down here, miss," says the nurse and I nod, laying down on the bed.

Another nurse comes in and Chris leans closer to me, squeezing my hand.
"Hi, Melissa. My name is Kathy. I'll be leading the C-section today."

I gulp. I did not want this.
"Alright," I whisper.

"Mel" Chris whispers in my ear, "it'll be fine, I'll be right here. Okay?"

Soon, they start setting up a sheet shielding me from my bottom half. Next, a nurse tells me after this I won't feel anything. She counts to three and a pain quickly shoots through me and minutes after I slowly stop feeling anything below my chest.

About 30 minutes later I'm told they are going to start.
Chris kisses my forehead and I can feel his uneasy breathing against my shoulder.

After awhile of listening to what's happening, the voices pick up along with my curiosity. The door opens and I hear a kart being wheeled in?

And then suddenly the faint cries of a baby and I find myself drifting off...
"Melissa! Melissa! Stay with us! Melissa!"

—a hour later—

It's quiet. There's some people talking, but far away. I open my eyes slowly and see that there's no barrier infringement of me anymore. I look around. Wait I'm in a different room.
How long have I been out? Where's the baby?

"She's awake!"
"Melissa! Hi!"
"What happened?" I demand.
"There were some complications. We will tell you soon, after you're checked over," says a nurse.
"Where's Chris?"
"In the waiting room," says a different nurse.
"What happened to the baby?" I ask again.
"You will be informed soon," I'm told and decide to not speak until I know what happened.

Hope y'all enjoyed!

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