Chapter 21: Where's My Baby?

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(Chris's POV of what happened last chapter)

Chris's POV

When I wake, Melissa is sitting up, groaning and breathing unsteadily.

"Contractions," she moans and I start looking for my phone to time them.
"Really? Okay. Tell me when the next one is and I'll time it," I say.

"Another one," she whispers and I start the timer.
When she says there's another contraction I stop the timer.
"That was 6 minutes," I tell her.
"We need to go," she says.

I jump out of bed and get some clothes for her and me. After I minute I see the hospital bag that Melissa was supposed to pack laying in the floor of the closet and I pick it up. Turning around, I wave it in the air and Melissa just moves her mouth a little but. I loosen my muscles, don't be mad.

We get to the hospital and are lead into a room. Melissa is checked over quickly then another doctor comes in and tells us we'll have to go into another room.

Melissa's arm slides into mine for support and we slowly make it to the other room.

"Lay down here, miss," says a nurse, so I help her lay down without her letting go of my grasp

When another nurse comes in, Melissa tenses ho and I lean closer to her, putting her hand in mine.

"Hi Melissa. My name is Kathy. I'll be leading the C-section today."
I swallow. Melissa didn't want this at all.
She manages an, "alright."

"Mel" I whisper into her ear, "it'll be fine. I'll be right here. Okay?"
"Okay," she whispers, looking up at me.

Soon they start setting up a bar with a sheet hanging from it. After that a nurse tells Melissa she won't feel much soon, then pushes a needle in her arm.

About 30 minutes later a nurse says they are going to start.
I kiss her forehead lightly and sit back down, still holding her hand.

Everything seems to be going fine until one doctor whispers something to another and then it passes on. I look over and see a doctor push a small bed on wheel covered in a canopy of plastic.

Soon after, I see the baby behind the sheet quickly before she's out into the bed on wheels and take out of the room.

My eyes meet Melissa's a split second before she passes out.

"Excuse me sir. We're going to need you to leave the room," a nurse tells me.
I almost argue, but it's not worth it.
"When can I come back in?" I ask.
"In a couple of hours," says the nurse.

I take a last glance at Melissa and leave the room.
Where did they take Willow? What's going on?

I end up leaving the hospital and go home to get some things, after sitting in the waiting room for two hours without hearing anything.

I grab a charger for my phone, my laptop and some snacks then leave the apartment.

I'm back in the waiting room for three hours when a nurse comes out.
"Mr. Wood?"
I stand up, "yes?"
"Follow me please."

I grab my stuff and follow her down a long hallway. She stops and gestures towards a room.

"The baby is in there."
I turn the knob and open the door, I would have never expected what I see next.

Any predictions on what happened to little Willow?

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