True Feelings (Kyman VS Style)

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Kyman VS Style
Love Triangle

Originally written on 1/11/18

A/N Welp, happy late halloween, you guys

Oh my god.

I thought, very stress of choosing between Stan and Cartman, it's kinda hard but I've never been in a Love Triangle relationship before.

A group of my friends approached to me, it's neither Stan or Cartman, it's Lucas, Craig and Tweek

"Hey Kyle" They both greeted, as I nodded

"What's wrong? Is there something in your mind?" Lucas asked, as he sat next to me, patting my back.

"It's just..-" I stopped, as I sighed, "If you were in a relationship, would you pick Stan or Cartman?" I asked

"I see you're suffering from a love triangle between Stanley, You and Eric" Lucas raised his eyebrow, as I gave them a slight nod. "But first, what do you think of Stan?" He asked.

"He's sweet, strong, self-assured and super kind" I blushed, making my heart beat race in a sweet gentle way.

"Cartman?" I frowned

"He's racist, a jerk, a coward but he can be warm sometimes" I replied

"So you choose Stan" He said, "Anyways, I hope that helps!" He smiled

"Thanks, Lucas" I thanked him, as he smiled once again

"No prob" Lucas repiled

"Wanna hang out at my house for a halloween party? We bought a kareoke machine and Kenny really wants to sing In My Feelings" Craig asked.

"Sure" I accepted the offer, as they walked out

"Stan?" I walked to him, he went to my attention

"What" He said, as I pulled him into a deep kiss, he was surprised but kissed back.

He broke the kiss, as I said, "I choose you, Stanley" He smiled, as he gave me a tight hug.

"I-I love you, Ky" He stuttered

"I love you too" I replied

Meanwhile with Cartman and Wendy, Cartman was chuckling, as he said, "Told ya Stan and Kyle are fags, now you pay me 30 bucks" He smirked, as Wendy scoffed, giving him 30 bucks.

"Whatever you say, Eric" Wendy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms

I was wearing my old vampire costume, since it still fits for me, and Stan was dressed as a werewolf for no typical reason.

We were walking to The Tucker Residence, since they invited us to sing kareoke, we knocked on the door, as the door open to reveal Craig, who's wearing his spaceman costume.

"Come in" He went back to sit down beside Tweek, who's dressed as a witch, we came inside, to see Kenny singing who is dressed as the grim reaper.

"Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?" Kenny sung, "Say you'll never ever leave from beside me" We both sat down, "'Cause I want ya, and I need ya, and I'm down for you always" He pointed to Butters.

"Leo, do you love me? Are you riding?" Stan and Craig laughed, while Me and Tweek giggled.

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