"Good" Influence (Creek)

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Craig X Tweek (Creek)
WARNING: Sexual Touching and Dirty Pick-up Lines (in Korean language)

A/N I kinda used Google Translate for this, bc Lucas and Craig is also gonna speak another language, so Lucas only studies English, Korean, Japanese and Filipino, the one with open and close parenthesis are the english translation.

I was in my phone, in the table, researching Science for my assignment, it was kinda awkward for a few minutes straight until a certain raven showed up.

"Hey Lucas" He said

"Greetings, dude" I replied

"What are you doing?" He asked, while I continued

"Homework" I answered, while copying it in my notebook, I realized he was mumbling about something while looking away

I glanced at him saying, "What were you mumbling about?" He looked back

"Nothing" He murmured, he looked away again as I chuckled

"Then I'll continue to proceed to my assignment" I went back to my notebook, he stayed thst position as he crossed both his arms and his legs.

"걱정하지 마 Love, 이 모든 건 우연이 아니니까 (Don't worry love
Because all of this is not coincidence)" I sung, as he looked back, with huge curiosity, "우린 완전 달라 Baby
운명을 찾아낸 둘이니까 (We're completely different baby
Because we've found our destiny)" I continued.


"우린 완전 달라 Baby
운명을 찾아낸 둘이니까 (We're completely different baby
Because we've found our destiny)" He continued, as I begun to thought

"What language is he singing? Was it Japanese or something?"

"우주가 생긴 그 날부터 계속, 무한의 세기를 넘어서 계속, 우린 전생에도 아마 다음 생에도, 영원히 함께니까, DNA (From the day the universe was formed, Past infinite worlds, Probably in our past life and in our next lives, We'll be together forever, DNA)" He finished, still copying his research.

"I wish I could learn how to speak that kind of language" I thought, as I said, "What song is that? And what language?" I asked.

"DNA by BTS, and that's Korean language" KOREAN?!? Those people who agrees on what the president tweeted about Tweek?!?

"Where those people from-" I was cut off

"They're from South Korea, not North Korea" He replied

"Can you teach me how to speak Korean?" I asked

"Sure, I'd do anything for my siblings" He replied, "But after my homework" He frowned

"After your homework" I repeated

I took deep breaths, as I knocked on the door of the Tweak Residence, after a few knocks, Mrs. Tweak appeared and said, "Oh, hello" She said

"Is Tweek here?" I asked

"Yes, he's upstairs" I stepped in adn went upstairs, but Mrs. Tweak stopped me, "Oh, open the door when you see him" I let out frown, flipping her off and continue to went up.

I open the door to see my boyfriend, Tweek drinking coffee, "Hey Tweek" He jumped, almost trying to drop it

"C-Craig!" He twitched, his hands shivering and his feet flinched, I smirked as I sat beside him in his bed

"Can I ask you something?" I asked

"Yeah" He grunted

"좋은 엉덩이! 몇시에 열리나요? (Nice ass! What time does it open?)" I smirk once again, with Tweek confused

"H-Huh?" he raised his eyebrow, taking another sip of his cup

"빈민가 출신 이니? 왜냐하면 나는 빈민굴에 가려고하고있어. (Are you from the ghetto? Cause I'm about to ghetto hold of dat ass.)" I pricked my fingers as I grabbed his ass.

"C-Craig? What kind of fu- NNGh! -cking language are y- GAH! Speaking?" He frowned, unimpressed

"당신의 다리는 Oreo Cookie와 같습니다. 나는 그들을 나누어 중간에 좋은 것들을 모두 먹고 싶습니다. (Your legs are like an Oreo Cookie - I wanna split them and eat all the good stuff in the middle.)" I sneakily grabbed his length through his pants and rubbed them.

"GAH!" He twitched, moaning alittle, "Now I see you, you sneaky boy" He grinned, as I let out a grin back. He pulled away from me and gave me a sloppy and passionate kiss.

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