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Slight Creek, Style, Bunny, Dip, Tyde and Levin

A/N This is inspired by Free, but the water gun battle fight, so I'll get things straight first on how the characters act:

Lucas is Rei, Kenny is Nagisa/Rin/Momo, Craig is Haru/Momo, Tweek/Butters is Gou (Kou), Damien is Rin/Sousuke, Stan is Haru/Makoto/Nitori and Token is Makoto.

Enjoy reading!

Originally written on 7/11/18

Me, Craig, Kenny, Damien, Token and Lucas were in a mall, just checking some clothes, since the ukes got excited to check. Until I saw something cool.

Survival Game Booth.
Free Water Guns

I jumped with excitement, as I said, "Boys, look!" All the semes turned to the direction, seeing the sign and a couple of water guns.

"But how to play this game?" Damien asked, as we both turned to him

"All up to plan" Lucas answered, "So the game has two teams: Red and Blue. And we must required water guns" He explained, "All you have to do is try to shoot the other team and if you got yourself in water, you're disqualifed" He finished.

We went to the stand and some water guns, I have two water guns, the other is hiding behind my back and the gun in my arms

"We'll need 3 members in each team" Craig said

"What about Me, Token and Lucas in Red, while Craig, Kenny and Damien in the Blue?" I asked, while all of us nodded in agreement.

"Alright, get ready for 2 minutes and then we'll start" Informed Craig, while we scattered in to different hiding areas

"So, who do have to attack?" Token asked

"My target is Damien Thorn" Lucas answered

"I'll take down Kenny" I said, as Token smiled

"And it all leaves to Craig Tucker and Me" He smirked

"So we're ready?" I asked

"Not yet, sadly" Token answered, as I cursed


"I've have a plan setup trap with many water guns with strings" Lucas said, "So if he pulled the string, all the guns will pull the trigger and kabam! Water!" He finished.

"Anyways, I think we're ready" Token said, as all of us nodded, we jumped and got seperated paths

Meanwhile with the Blue team, they were still discussing their targets, plans and strategies

"So what style we'll be fighting, then?" Kenny asked

"What about we do it Free Style?" Craig suggested

"Dude, what are you, a meaboo?" Damien asked

"Shut up, Damien" Craig flipped him off, as Kenny broke the fight

"Okay, team. Stop fighti-" Kenny was cut off by water, he peaks to see Me and Token in the other bush

"Okay, Kenny! Surrender or we'll shoot!" I yelled

"Never ever, Marsh!" He yelled back, as Lucas walked in

"Leave this to me" He started, "They call me Lucas Tucker The Weakness Expert, aka knowing a survivor's weaknesses" He made a pose, as Kenny and Damien frowned.

"That's a weird title" Damien said

"I have research about your information, personality, behaviour, strengths and weaknesses and transported all the way to my brain" Lucas confessed, "And I've completely found something pretty fun to make up" He smirked.

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