Fight For You

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The Tweak-Tucker Family

A/N If you don't know whats going on, one of the major characters in this are:

Ethan Tweak-Tucker (Tweek and Craig's son), Evalyn Tweak-Tucker (his younger sister, Tweek and Craig's daughter), Emerald McCormick-Tucker (his youngest cousin, Karen and Tricia's daughter), Eddy Stoley-Tucker (his younger cousin, Kevin and Lucas' son), Stacy Marsh-Tucker (his wife, Stan and Kyle's daughter) and Vincent Broflovski-Marsh (his best friend and future brother-in-law, Stan and Kyle's son and Stacy's brother).

Some supporting characters like Briana Stotch-McCormick (Kenny and Butters' daughter), Brian Stotch-McCormick (Kenny and Butters' son and Briana's twin brother) and Bettany Pirrup-Thorn (Damien and Pip's daughter).

Some other characters like Mr. Felix (their strict teacher), Freya Testaburger-Cartman (his ex girlfriend, Cartman and Wendy's daughter), Mrs. Jessica (their kind counselor), Mrs. Olivia (their concerned principal), Liam Testaburger-Cartman (their classroom president, Cartman and Wendy's son and Freya's younger brother).

In the letter, bold is Ethan, italic is Evalyn, underline is Eddy, bold & underline is Emerald and bold & italic is Stacy.

Ethan is 25, Evalyn is 18, Emerald is 18, Eddy is 22, Stacy is 24 and Vincent is 25, enjoy the story! :3

I walked to through the shadows of the souls, which I mean cemetery if you didn't know, and I especially brought company. I slowly took a few steps, all the way to my parents' grave, my dad died on a war and my mom died because he commited suicide. As the words formed on them:

Craig Tucker
January. 25, 1997 - May. 21, 2037
A loving father, a loving husband and a loving brother

Tweek Tweak-Tucker
August. 17, 1998 - September. 17, 2037
A loving mother, a loving husband and a loving best friend

I sniffed alittle as I placed the roses on both of them, "Will Ethay be okay, bro?" Stacy asked Vincent

"Let your husband be, he may be my best friend but I also do care about his parents" Vincent answered, looking at his dad's grave. Mr. Stan died the same cause as my dad, Mr. Kyle is still alive but he's too depressed to come along with us.

"I'm still sad mommy and daddy died" My younger sister, Evalyn sniffed, still crying while hugging my waist. I smiled as I hugged her back.

"Mom... Dad..." I paused, as flashbacks of moments with me, my sister and with them

(Tweek's POV)

"Honey- GAH! Wake up and get ready for school!" I yelled, as my 13 year old son ran down the stairs and kissed my cheek, "Morning, mom" He greeted.

"Morning, Ethan" I chuckled, as he ran and ate his breakfast quickly, " Ethan, don't eat too quickly" I lectured, as he stopped and ate slowly.

"Sorry, mom" He apologized, as we both laughed, he finished as he get his 6 year old sister ready. They were done as they went out. "Goodbye, mom!" He waved while trying to attempt moon-walking.

"Goodbye, sweetie!" I waved back.

Flashback Ended

And now I started to remember the moment my aunt and uncle called me at school about my mom died..

(Still Ethan's POV)

"Mr. and Mrs. Tweak-Tucker, can you kindly go to the principal's office immediately?" The voice box announced

"HAH!" Freya pointed at me, "Now you're doom, fucker!" She laughed, as Mr. Felix slammed his stick at Freya's head, as all of us flinched.

"Enough of that, young lady or I'll sent you to the counselor's office!" He yelled, and then faced to me with a kind smile, "You can go now, Ethan" He informed, as I walked to the principal's office.

I open the door and I saw Evalyn sitting there as Mrs. Olivia hand me the phone, I picked it up and placed it in my ear, "Hello?" I greeted, as Evalyn apprached to me.

"Ethan, is that you?!" Auntie Tricia panicked, minor tears forming in her eyes

"Auntie Tricia, what happened?!" My sister panicked back

"Ethan, I'm sorry to say this but..." Uncle Lucas paused, "Your mother commited suicide, I'm sorry, kiddos" My eyes widened, my mom killed himself...

My sister cried on my shoulder, as tears formed on my eyes...

This can't be happening...
I lost my great-grandmother, I lost my grandparents, I lost my papa Craig now I lost my mama Tweek...
But at least I still have my sister, my cousins, my aunts, my uncles, my girlfriend and my best friend...

Flashback Ended

I shook my head as I kneeled rapidly as I kept weeping of their death, my sister kneeled next to me and cried back. Emerald and Eddy came to us and cried together. Stacy and Vincent walked towards me and then conforted us.

My sister left a pink-tinted letter, with a heart formed tape on it. I stood up and left the cemetery, still holding my sister. The rest were confused as they followed the siblings out.

Suddenly, four angels appeared out of nowhere as the two husbands picked up their children's letter, the noirette open the letter and it said:

01. 06, 2053
Dear Parents,

Hi mommy, hi daddy. How are ya? I'm fine, this is your daughter, Evalyn! I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you guys died, I feel like I was gonna cry but I hope you guys are still up there in heaven.

Hello mom, dad. It's Ethan, I just wanted to say thank you for raising me and my younger sister. I promise that I would always take care of my younger sibling and my 2 younger cousins while you're not here.

Hi Mr. Tweek and Mr. Craig, this is your son's wife, Stacy Marsh. I may know that  I'm your best friend's daughter but I promise that I would take care of your son as my husband, and you guys would be my parents-in-law.

Hey Uncle Tweek and Craig, It's Eddy. Thank for the sweet moments we've shared and the times we've spend together. I will also do my best to success for our fellowmen and my for fellow family.

Hello Uncle Tweek and Uncle Craig! How was your time in heaven? Sorry that you guys died, daddy Ruby was crying because of your deaths while mommy Karen tried to comfort her. I hope that you guys would always visit us every all souls day!

And that's all we've gotta say, I may know I wasn't able to succeed but I will take care of my family and always have time of my studies. And also have a wife like Stacy, lol don't kill me. Goodbye and may God bless you two.

Ethan, Evalyn, Eddy, Emerald and Stacy

"Man, is my daughter also writing this?" The other raven asked, peeking on the letter.

"What about my lil' twins?" The blond perverted angel asked, while fluttering his eyelashes.

The emotionless noirette rolled his eyes and flipped the blond off, "Fuck off, McCormick" He said, while wrapping his arm around his spazzy husband's neck.

"Still the same old habit since the old times, Tucker" The blond pulled the noirette and grabbed Kenny by the collar

"W-Who are you- GAH! Saying that to, me or Craig?!?" The spaz yelled

"Woah, calm your titties, Tweek" Kenny said, Craig doesn't like how Kenny treated his husband like that

"Kenny, you're married to Butters and you're already dead" Craig said blankly

"Whatever, guys. I'm going to visit my family" The raven crossed his arms as he begin walking away.

"Go fucking ahead, Marsh" Craig yelled, as Stan was still walking away, he faced back to his husband and looked at the letter again "I hope they're okay.." Craig said, in a worried tone.

"Same here, honey..." Tweek started to join the worries, while putting his head on Craig's shoulder.

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