You're My Bright Love, And You're My Brave Hero (Creek)

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Craig X Tweek
Tweek's POV & Third Person POV

It was a 'beautiful' night, when me and Craig, my boyfriend, get to play video games together. Like playing a friendly run on Cookie Run with our smartphones or just play pranks on Craig's younger siblings (Lucas & Ruby), it was a lot of fun until Craig did something.

"Hey, check it out!" He exclaimed, while he pulled out a mysterious item

"What's that?" I gasped

"It's a hologram projector, my professor taught me how to do this so I decided to create holograms of my favorite constellations" He explained, as a constellation of an aquarius shows up.

"That's Aquarius!" I squealed, as the noirette chuckled

"Yup, my zodiac sign" He chuckled, and then another constellation of my zodiac sign, other than Leo.

"LEO!!" I shouted

"If you keep saying Leo, I thought you were saying Butters' first name" He smirked, as I lightly punched his shoulder

"Shut up" I wheezed, "Leo was my sign!" I yelled, as we both laughed. Another constellation shows off one constellation.

"That's Ursa Major, one of the common constellations in constellation history!" He squealed, as I noticed something outside.

"Wait, Craig, look!" I shouted, as he turned back to what I saw. Craig fanboyed like... Really fanboyed.

He grabbed my wrist and went out to check it out, we went out and saw a constellation of me and.... Craig?

"Holy shit" I said, Craig stopped and think for a few seconds. He looked towards me slowly and gave me a hundreds of kisses non-stop. "O-Oh god, Craig!" I yelped.

He kept repeating until he made it to my....

"Ughhh~" I moaned, Craig flinched as I covered my mouth. "I-I didn't mean to..." Craig just smiled, and nudged me with his elbow.

"Let's just watch the stars, anyway" I smiled back with a small laugh, Craig wrapped his arms around me as I pointed towards the constellation of the two of us.

"I love you, my bright love" He said

"Are you referring me about GingerBright Cookie?" I asked, he nodded. "I love you too, my brave hero~" I giggled, wrapping my leg around Craig's waist seductively.


Lucas: They didn't know that wasn't real, right?
Ruby: Yep, the large projector worked!
Lucas: Dude, keep it down; they might hear us...!
Ruby: Sorry, big bro
Lucas: Atleast I was stressed from creating that Tweek & Craig constellation

A/N Phew, da edit took me 5 hours ;-;

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