Why me?

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She ended up moving to North Carolina during the divorce. Leaving my dad with the kids. I was about 11 when she left. And let me say the sun has never been so bright.

My mom soon got married to a great guy. She was so happy. Meanwhile at my dad's I was raising my brother and my sister.

One day Jenny (my dad's ex wife) decided to call me. She told me how much of a b*tch I am. And how my dad aused her. I cried and told her she was a liar. I was screaming on the phone when my little sister walked in. I hung up the phone and just hugged her. She didn't understand what was going on but she didn't ask.

When I was 14 I was still raising my brother and sister now with little help from my dad.  Everymorning i would wake up to him not being home. So i would make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Since i'm a pro at cleaning i would do all of it around the house.  If i was at my dad's house i would be stuck watching the kids. 

I honestly can't wait till it hits my brother and sister that i'm basically their mother.  I've been raising them since she moved away.... I cant tell you how many times i've been asked if i was their mom. It's honestly sad. 

I was on flag football and volleyball but my dad didn't like to come to my games. He didn't like to watch them. Actually growing up got very little support from my dad. He wasn't ever there for me. My brother and sister on the other hand got supported 100%. He would show up to their school performances. And would take off to go on their field trips. I'm honestly surprised he came to my 8th grade graduation.

Well my mom ended up getting married. Which made me very happy because he was a great guy.! so i thought....About 2 years after their marrige they would get into fights. About me. go figure! They ended up getting a devorce when i was in 8th grade, and we moved to my grandma's house.

Towards the end of 8th grade rumors were being spread about me. People were saying stupid stuff and I got threatened by so many people. I actually had to leave school early one day because someone was waiting to beat me up after school. The bullying didn't stop at school. It followed me home.

I came home one day and I had a voicemail. An "unknown" caller said that I was a whore and a slut. I got these type of phone calls happened everyday. Hearing them call me a hippo and that no one cares about me. I remember getting a call. And I found out won't was. It was my best friend of 13 years and a chick from my school that she just met. I remember going into my mom's room and just crying. She told me everything was going to get better. She was wrong.


End Of Part 2

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