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It's been a while since I've posted a chapter, this is some of the things that happened since then.


A while ago there was this kid getting bullied at my school. I watched everyday at lunch, the dumb-ass jocks picking on this kid, who obviously had something wrong with him. They would invite him to sit at their table then call him a pussy, or faggot. After lunch half of the kids were in my next class and they would tease and pick on one of my friends, she stood up for herself and I would shoot them glares, as if it would stop them. A couple days went by as I watched this kid get picked on. One of the nicer jocks took notice as well and told him to sit with him instead, the other guys grew mad and yelled pussy at him, he shrugged it off but it only made me mad, my friends watched my anger grow and told me to just leave it alone, so I did. That next week we went to lunch and he couldn't find a chair to sit by the nicer jocks, so one of the assholes told him to sit by them because they had an extra, he shook his head and found another chair, I watched as they made fun of him and I was tired of it,I turned around to their table and they all stared at me. "You guys are assholes!" I spat and they smiled as if they knew it were true. My heart pounded after the words flew out and I was scared what were to happen, but at least I said something. Lunch ended to soon and we were heading to our next class, me and my friends took our seats and then the boys came in. "There's the girl who called us assholes" one of them hissed and I smiled "yup" I said and turned back around to face forward, of of the guys kept talking shit and I turned to look at him "what are you gonna do about it!?" I yelled and he was taken back, "we'll I can't hit girls" he said, no shit. "Exactly, so stop talking" I snapped and he slapped his hands together "ooo I wish I could hit girls" he said and my eyes filled with tears of frustration, did he really just say that?

I got home, and posted something about It on Facebook that caught my stalkers attention. My stalker is this guy named Shapiro, we went to school together, and then ran into each other last year, and ever since then he's been creepily stalking me, messaging me on every account I have. So when he messaged me on Facebook I replied because he was asking what happened. I told him brief info, and he told my ex, who I still had small feelings for. We've been through so much and he deleted me off Facebook so he had to re-add me. I had no idea why he did but as soon as I accepted it he messaged me asking me if I was ok, I told him what happened and he got very upset saying he would beat their asses. We talked for a little bit and then he asked for my number, of course I gave it to him and he told me he'd text me the next day, which were exams. We talked for that whole week and I knew he had a girlfriend so we kept it clean. After a couple days of talking nonstop he told me he had feelings for me again, which only sparked the ones I had for him making them larger. He started to become really flirty and I had to keep reminding him that he had a girlfriend, he said whatever and kept trying to make something happen. A while later he texts me saying, we need to talk. -_- he tells me that he has a girlfriend and that he needs to stay committed. That's what I've been telling him!! But whatever we left it at that, until last month. I messaged him and he responded back right away, I found out things ended with his girl, and that he wants to try and get back together. I liked the idea so we text everyday. My mom had to have surgery, she got a couple rumors removed from behind her ear so I had to spend the night in the hospital with her. That night I text him and we talked for a while, he started calling me babe, baby, and beautiful every other text, saying he misses me and wants to come over and cuddle. The butterflies in my stomach were going insane and I knew I was falling for him. The next day he text me good morning, I told him I slept bad because nurses had to keep coming in and he said that sucks. Like that's it? Your not even going to ask how my mom is doing? Or even bother to ask why I was in the hospital. I always asked him about his family and how he was doing but he never cared to ask me. That should've been the first fucken flag.

Last week he text me saying 'hey baby' I smiled and text him back, he told me he was sick and I told him how I'd take care of him as long as he takes care of me. And he said " I promise to take care of you" we went on with our daily talking routine and I fell asleep on him, the next morning I text him and asked how he was feeling. He never responded so I shrugged it off. Whatever, he's probably busy, then came the next day, still nothing, i got bored so I went on twitter. My whole feed was him talking to this girl calling her babe and how they love talking on the phone and how they miss each other. Are you fucken kidding me? He had my heart, I trusted that he wanted things to work, I cried and started to have major anxiety out of anger and frustration. I knew it was to good, I knew everything was too perfect in this point of time, I just wish I would've been smarter. I really don't know what to do now, I mean a lot of people knew we started talking again, and now I look like a freaking dumb-ass loser because he left, again and shattered my heart, again. People like him are why I have so many fucken issues, especially with trust.

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