"I'm Done With You"

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Over a year ago my mom got into a relationship with her best friends brother. Before they got together they would always text and talk but i had no idea who this guy was. Whenever i would talk to her she would always be on her phone ignoring me. Ive only met him one time and that was way before i knew they were dating.. One time me and my cousin heard the people who lived upstairs at the time having sex, my mom posted it on facebook and he commented on it saying 'Did it made em wet?' Were fucken 15! Who says that!? I knew i already didnt like him

The next time I saw him he moved into our house.

I told my dad that she was dating him and he told me that he was a druggie and a drunk. I told my nana and she told me the same thing but she said one time when they were in high school he came over and she made him stay in the garage because she was scared of him and his capabilities.

He was there when Megan died he was sitting in the living room. When my mom told him he just said "oh, sorry" and that was it. No hug or anything for my mom. He NEVER showed affection around her. When they held hands he wouldn't hold hers, he would keep his fingers straight. I knew he didn't like her.

I started going to therapy. The lady was also my mom's therapist. I told her about her boyfriend and how he is and how i feel about him being there when i barely know him. Her reply was 'oh you dont know what she's feeling, blah blah blah.' I was so close to screaming at this lady. Shes taking my moms side! I didn't go back their because of her. ANYWAYS....

It was Christmas Eve and me and my mom were at my nana's house, her boyfriend never came to family functions or in the house to say hello. We said our goodbyes and went home it was about 10:30 and the people below us had 2 children.. We pull up and you can hear the music blasting from the car and my mom started laughing. How is this funny? We walked in and our fucken christmas tree was covered in beer cans! My mom turned down the music and laughed at what he did to the tree. I wanted to cry, i mean it's Christmas. I walked into my room with my presents and celebrated Christmas by myself.

He has these made up holidays of where he drinks for a whole week and gets drunk everyday. I've seen him drunk more than id ever want to experience. and my mom is accepting all of this. wha an influence i have.

Let me fast forward to St. Patricks Day. So me and my cousin were at the mall and were waiting to get picked up by my mom. I saw his truck pull up.. Everytime i saw that truck i wanted to just bury myself.  We got in and everyother word that left his mouth was a sware word. My cousin never met him so it wasn't a very good first impression. I knew he was drunk already. I told my mom that i needed to grab my things from my nana's house. She said ok. We ended up pulling into a bar.

"Where are we going" i asked obviously pissed

"Wherever this truck takes us" She laughed

"And you better not have a fucken problem with that" Her boyfriend added. I rolled my eyes.

We walked into the bar and we sat down. He kept asking why i didnt like him and i just ignored it.he walked away to grab more beers.

"Whats your problem?" My mom hissed at me.

My jaw dropped. I just shook my head and laughed.

"Mom, Hes drunk!" i replied in the same tone.

"No he's not!" She said and soon followed him to the bar to babysit him.

"You ok?" My cousin asked

"Really?" I said in a snippy tone.

"Im used to it. so i dont see the big deal." she said with a smile

"Well im not used to this!"

My mom came back with her boyfriend and he keeped asking me stupid questions making me even more angry and making my cousin laugh.

"Really?" My mom yelled.

"Yeah." i said back.

"okay." She got up and walked out of the bar. I just looked down and her boyfriend laughed at me.

She walked back in.

"Papa's on his way, Im done with you!" she yelled at me.

"Are you serious?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes. and she noded. She chose him over me!

I grabbed my stuff and walked outside waiting. I hoped in the car and i cried. I cried so hard. My cousin was explaining the story while i sobbed into my hands. We pulled up to the house and I ran in looking for my nana. I walked into the back with tears streaming down my face. She looked at me and jumped up and i ran to her.

"What happened?" she said

"Papa didn't tell you?" i managed to get out.

"No." She asked my papa and he explained the story she came up to me with tears in her eyes and gave me a hug.

"You can stay here as long as you want to." She said with a sad smile.

I ended up staying their for a week. My mom then wanted to see me, but there was never an appology.

Over the summer there was another drunk incident that involved my mom's bestfriend and a fight. That was when she realized he was a jack-ass. She broke up with him and it was just me and her again:)

About 2 weeks ago i found out she's been on dating websites looking for guys. She just broke up with him and she wants another man. So every weekend she goes out with guys form 5-12a.m. It honestly sickens me. Does she really need a boyfriend that badly? But shes starting to get into the habit of texting all the time and block me out. The other day we almost got into an accident because she was paying attention to her phone. I sware she won't learn until something does happen. But as of right now she likes this one guy and is going to be seeing him a lot more. I can't wait to meet this guy. ima be a real hard-ass. Sorry :)


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Remember this is all 100% true and this is my life.

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