Author's Note

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Welcome to the story of Lone

If you have read any of my other stories, you may notice that this story is different than my other ones. First of all, it's my first time writing anything in the werewolf and fantasy realm, even though I label this story as teen fiction. And second, even though I have already published a Pride Month special, I would say that this story is more quickly focused on a BxB romance. 

If you are not familiar with the werewolf pack structure, I would recommend doing a quick search to familiarize yourself. If not, I will explain them really briefly. I'd like to give you a heads up that there will be some modifications with the werewolf-ranking system. 

Omega - the wolf considered the lowest of the low. It's not necessarily the weakest. It's the most despised and looked down upon by the other wolves. The Omega can rise in its ranks by challenging and defeating the Alpha.

Alpha - the leader of a werewolf pack. It is considered the strongest and displays the most leadership. The only way an Alpha will lose its position is if it is killed; if the Omega defeats the Alpha in a challenge, then the Omega becomes the new Alpha. 

Beta - the second most powerful werewolf/werewolves in the pack. They would be most likely to take over as Alpha if the Alpha somehow is taken down by something other than the Omega

Subordinates - these wolves make up the rest of the pack. In this story, subordinates won't really be mentioned as much as the other three above. There are more rankings that we could become more specific with, but the three above are the ones you will want to take note of. 

If you do start to read this book, I would highly suggest you read the first three chapters together. The first one will be a bit slow. Most of the second will still be a bit slow. At the end of the second is where things will become more fun (in my opinion), and the third will definitely give a chance to prove that. 

Also! You will notice the name of the main character in this story is the same as the name of the character in my other stories (if you've read them, that is).... While the name is the same, the characters are not, meaning the stories do not intertwine. Lone is its own story.

At the end of each chapter, I'll be leaving a comment asking if you have any questions for the characters. My readers have enjoyed connecting with the characters through the character interaction, and I'd like to continue doing so. However, I'm going to keep it out of the actual story in case you become engrossed in the story and want to see what's happening next. Just know that you can always ask, whether in the comments or a PM, for either me or the characters.

From time to time, I will also leave another question in the comments that relates less to the story itself and more so to the type of experience. 

Last but not least, I would like to thank somestaruser for working so hard to create the enticing book cover :) 

Phew, enough with the introduction! Without further ado, enjoy the BxB teen werewolf story Lone!

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