Chapter 4

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I didn't see Jason again until our study hall, but I could tell that he was trying to avoid eye contact with me. Every now and then he'd look over. I knew he was looking at me because there was nobody else over in my direction in the corner. I tried giving him signals that he can talk to me if he wants, but he would just look away and go back to reading from his phone and chatting with the jocks.

I don't know why, but I had been worried about him all weekend. To be able to see him at the end of the day, looking less like himself, was kind of bothering me.

The bell rang.

Everyone was leaving, and Jason was going his own way. Before he could, I managed to catch him.

"Hey!" I said to him.

He just gave me a straight look and started to give me more of a glare as though he would do something if I didn't move.

I just didn't look down and looked him back with my own glare, the one that I give when someone is trying to stare me down and scare me (by the way, nobody has ever been successful with me). I expected him to try to say something rude to me, but instead I noticed that his eyes suddenly portrayed a feeling of defenselessness. I couldn't help but notice and tried asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine... just... please leave me alone...." he said. Did I scare him? I calmed my eyes and tried giving him more of a sympathetic look to show him that I'm just concerned about him.

"I'm sorry... But, I couldn't stop thinking about you since that day..."

He looked up at me with a little smile. I'm confused.

"What's with the smile?" I asked straightforwardly.

"Do you have the hots for me?" he asked shamelessly.

"What?! No!" I said rather loudly that a few girls far from us started looking at us. I gotta calm down... "I just... Seeing you bleeding like that... that was frightening for me. I wish I could have done something to help, but you just ran away...."

"Listen, Danielle," he started saying.

"It's Danny. You best stay away from people like Ryan."

"Eh, I never liked him anyways." See. Told you he can be smart.

"What is it?"

"Danny," he said, then pausing to make sure I don't say anything against that. "What you saw... you didn't see."

"Now that doesn't even make any sense."

"What you saw, you never saw."

"I saw blood on your back... How do you expect me to unsee that?"

He looked around like someone ready to make a secret bargain.

"Look," he whispered. "If I show you my back, will you get off of it?"

If this means that I'll get to see his injuries, then of course I want to see. I need to know if there's something I can do.

"Fine," I said.

"Also, don't be staring for too long, else others will want to look, too..."

He turned around and took off his sweatshirt and threw it on my face. Why does it smell so bad... He lifted the back of his shirt, exposing a sleek slab of gorgeous and tight muscles that reminded me of a boxer... If I could just touch it.... Wait, never mind! The injuries! Where are they?!

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