<America is online>
<England is online>
<Russia is online>
<China is online>
<Romano is online>
<Writer is online>
<Germany is online>
America: *wearing earplugs*
England: *reading*
Russia: *trying to scare the wits out of the Writer*
Writer: *Ignoring Russia*
China: *writing a letter for some random reason*
Romano: *glaring at Germany*
Germany: *texting a frantic Italy who is apparently out of pasta at the moment*
America: *phone rings, and the ring tone is Justin Bieber's "Baby"*
England: *has seizure*
China: *hits head on the wall until it breaks open, then runs away*
Germany: *smashes through the window and runs away*
Russia: *passes out*
Romano: *Covers his ears, goes into corner, and rocks back and forth in a fetal position*
<Japan has turned off invisibility mode>
Japan: Well that went better than expected...
America: See? Bieber's fans are either deaf or insane!
Japan: I wonder why the writer didn't do anything... *pokes her shoulder*
Writer: Huh? *takes earbuds out to reveal blarring Ellie Goulding music*
Japan: Well that explains it.
Writer: *looks around the room* What happened?!
America: Justin Bieber happened.
Writer: Pfft! That was nothing! You should try it on Canada. He hates it.
Japan: *evil smile* We will...
Hi. I'm being serious now, so listen up. I'm sorry Justin Bieber fans that I offended. To be honest, I really don't like him. I think he's stupid for thinking that now that he's a star he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. That just not how the celebrity society is. In my eyes, his songs reflect his actions, and if he is going to act like a childish teenager who thinks their king of the world, why would his music be any better than him? Don't hate me for saying that; it's just my opinion, and if you hate it, ignore it. Please don't shower me with hate now! After all, I'm only thirteen, what would I know?
Hetalia Chats... Need I Say More?
HumorI'm sure most everyone knows who the Hetalia nations. You'd never expect what can happen with them and their crazy antics. Believe it or not these are normal conversations. I OWN NOTHING!!!