<Lithuania is online>
<Poland is online>
Poland: LEEEEEIIIIIIITTT~!!! *glomps*
Lithuania: *sweatdrops* Um, h-hi Poland... *tries to brush Poland off*
Poland: So like, how are you?
Lithuania: F-fine, how about you?
Poland: *flips hair* FABULOUS! *winks to an invisible crowd*
Lithuania: So... d-do you remember that song Prussia sung the other day?
Poland: Yeah, like what about it?
Lithuania: D-did any of it seem rude to you?
Poland: No, it was all like, really funny.
Lithuania: *facepalms*
Poland: What?
Lithuania: *shoves a copy of the lyrics at Poland*
Poland: *looks them over* OHMIGAWSH! OH NO HE DIDN'T!
Lithuania: FINALLY!
<Lithuania is offline>
Poland: Why did Prussia like, never tell me he was a Martian?
<The Chatroom has facepalmed>
Poland: What?
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD! Sorry I haven't hade time to write in this... I'VE BEEN SO STRESSED WITH STUPID SCHOOL!!! Anyway, I decided to reread over my stories and realized there are characters that get little to no screen time... well actually speaking parts I guess. Who would you like me to write about? I think it's pretty obvious that I love the North American bros, but I really need to write about someone elseeeeeeeeee! Seriously, I enjoy writing anything, but you guys should experience the same fun in reading these! PLEASE CCOMMENT OR MESSAGE ME!!! I'm here to make you happy and to get better with my writing! Critique me. Thanks for all the support! Love ya!

Hetalia Chats... Need I Say More?
UmorismoI'm sure most everyone knows who the Hetalia nations. You'd never expect what can happen with them and their crazy antics. Believe it or not these are normal conversations. I OWN NOTHING!!!