HI GUYS! Now, there are some songs on Youtube that some of the countries wouldn't like others to find. This is one of them. Oh dear...
<The FACE Family is online>
America: Yo dudes!
England: Hello America...
France: Bonjour~!
Canada: H-hi guys.
France: Matthieu! It's been so long!
Canada: Yes it has, papa.
England: *sets up table and chairs* Everyone, sit!
Everyone: *sits*
England: *pours tea for everyone*
America: *not wanting to drink the tea* So... hows everybody?
<Greenland is online>
<Writer is online>
Writer: 🎶 Did you ever want to write a novel? 🎶
England: Did they...?
Greenland: 🎶 A lot of people want to write a book 🎶
America: They didn't...
Writer: 🎶 So sit down and focus 'cause it's November 🎶
Canada: Oh no.
Greenland: 🎶 And I'm gonna write a freaking book! 🎶
Writer: 🎶 It's only sixteen-sixty seven words a day. Giving up your social life and stay indoors, and forget about your grades, your boyfriend, and your job. Do it later, 'cause now I need to write another thousand words! 🎶
America: *getting rid of his tea while England's distracted*
Greenland: 🎶 Hit twenty thousand words and I'm feeling awesome! Man, I should make writing my career! My main characters have chemistry, my setting is believeable. I think I'm going to win this year, really think I'm going to win this year! 🎶
France: *doing the same*
Canada: *shamefully copying them*
Greenland: 🎶 Did you ever want to write a novel? 🎶
Writer: 🎶 A lot of people want to write a book! 🎶
Greenland: 🎶 So sit down and focus 'cause it's November! 🎶
England: Actually, it's August.
Writer: 🎶 And I'm going to write a freaking book! 🎶
America: -_-
Greenland: 🎶 I've passed thirty thousand words― I'm feeling pretty low. Need inspiration, but I really just have none. I just realized I have plot holes and my writing really sucks. Can you remind me why I thought this would be fun? 🎶
England: *Notices what the others have done, scowls*
Writer: 🎶 I powered through to forty and I'm nearing the end. I'm at the climax and this part is really rad! It's a mixture of relief, perserverance, and caffeine. 🎶
Greenland: 🎶 And just a little touch of going mad. 🎶 *pulls Canada's chair out in front of the table and whispers something into his ear*
Canada: *nods in agreement and get out of his chair*
Greenland: *sits in chair*
Writer: 🎶 And just a little touch of going mad. 🎶
Canada: 🎶 Wanna go see a movie? 🎶
Greenland: 🎶 I can't, I'm writing. 🎶
Canada: 🎶 There's this really sweet party. 🎶
Greenland: 🎶 I can't, I'm writing. 🎶
Canada: 🎶 You've been in your room all day. 🎶
Greenland: 🎶 Don't care, I'm writing. 🎶
Canada: 🎶 Girl, this can't be healthy! 🎶
Greenland: 🎶 Shhhh! I'm writing! 🎶
France: But mon petite Mathieu~! You aren't like this!
Writer: Yet again, France, no commentary.
Greenland: 🎶 Have you every wanted to write a novel? 🎶
Canada: 🎶 A lot of people want to write a book! 🎶
Writer: 🎶 So sit down and focus 'cause it's November! 🎶
England: August~!
Writer: SHUSH IT!
England: O.o
<Greenland is offline>
<Writer is offline>
<Canada is offline>
England: ... do you think we'll be seeing him any time soon?
America: Nope.
Credit to Kristina Horner and Luke Conard of ALL CAPS for their wonderful song! Now, so this story will make sense, go watch the NaNoWriMo Song on Youtube! Have fun trying to figure what the heck is going on and what NaNoWriMo is! Also the people who run NaNoWriMo deserve some credit, because NaNoWriMo is awesome!

Hetalia Chats... Need I Say More?
HumorI'm sure most everyone knows who the Hetalia nations. You'd never expect what can happen with them and their crazy antics. Believe it or not these are normal conversations. I OWN NOTHING!!!