Canadian Blues/Torture

97 4 0

<Writer is online>

<Greenland is online>

<America is online>

<Canada is online>

Canada: *wrists tied together and mouth duct taped*

Writer: Hello guys!

Greenland: How you doing out there in internet land?

America: Hopefully good.

Writer: Anyway, we need to talk about Mattie's Facebook.

Canada: Mhp fmph!

Greenland: He's lonely.

America: And by that we mean...

Writer: He only has one friend.

Greenland: Please go contributed to this poor soul and friend him.

America: Just look at him he's begging now!

Canada: *glaring*

Writer: Please get on and friend him right away to donate to the 'Own a Canadian' foundation.

Canada: *screaming*

Greenland: Oh, also, Alfred joined our trio... well not a trio anymore.

America: Howdy! ;)

Writer: And in case you were wondering... *gestures to Canada* This is not torture.

Greenland: *pulls Canada's curl*

Canada: *falls over*

Greenland: *stares at him, then turns back, smiling nervously* S-see? He likes it!

<America is offline>

<Writer is offline>


<Greenland is offline>

<France is online>

France: *looks at Canada* OH MON PETITE MATHIEU!!! WHAT HAPPENED?! *unties Canada and pulls off duct tape*

Canada: *winces and covers mouth, slightly crying* Indy pulled my curl, papa.

France: *melting from the cuteness of the scene* Oh Mathieu... let's get you cleaned up.

<France is offline>

<Canada is offline>

<The chatroom is empty>

Serioulsy, what are you still doing here? GO FRIEND ME PLEASE, OR POOR CANADA WILL BE FOREVER ALONE!!! ;w; Oh, and I've also been told this URL works too:

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