<A bunch of nations are online>
England: Alright, sorry for holding this meeting with so little announcement. Let's take attendance. France?
France: Oui.
England: America?
America: Here.
England: Canada? ...where's Canada?
Prussia: You're probably just ignoring him like usual.
France: I don't think he's here. I didn't see him enter.
England: Where could he be? America! Try calling him.
America: On it! *calling Canada*
England: Well, why don't you just tell me who's not here, hm?
Germany: Italy is missing.
China: As is Russia aru.
England: Huh... That's odd. Why are so many people missing? I got the message out to everyone.
America: Canada's not picking up.
England: I have a bad feeling.
Germany: Can we get to business now?
England: Er... yes. Well, how many of you that remember our opposite selves?
Prussia: Me, because my awesome self banished them.
China: I think I remember aru.
Japan: I remember as well.
England: Well... I hate to break it to you, but the seal has been broken.
Japan: What?! How?!
England: I don't know... I almost gave my life to create that seal, and now it's broken. Our safety has been comprisimed. That's why we should worry about the others. Keep any eye out for them, especially the ones who didn't show... I fear they've been taken already.
Germany: WHAT?! NOT ITALY!
England: Wait no—
<Germany is offline>
England: Blast it!
France: Are you alright Angleterre?
England: *groans* I'm fine just... China and Japan. Go look for Russia. Prussia, go look for Italy with Germany.
Japan: Hai.
<Japan is offline>
<China is offline>
Prussia: Ja, got it.
<Prussia is offline>
England: The rest of you, come with me.
America: England? What's going on? Who are these "opposed selves?"
England: That's nothing you need too worry about. Right now, we just need to make sure Canada is okay.
<Everyone is offline>

Hetalia Chats... Need I Say More?
HumorI'm sure most everyone knows who the Hetalia nations. You'd never expect what can happen with them and their crazy antics. Believe it or not these are normal conversations. I OWN NOTHING!!!