<Writer is online>
Canada: How was school?
Writer: Boring. It rained on my walk home from school, and a kid got run over by a bus.
America: Oh sure, the kid run over the bus wasn't exciting.
Writer: He's fine. Broken foot, but that's it. Now I'm all wet and I need to all change. Talk to you in a bit.
<Writer is offline>
Greenland: ...she's weird.
Canada and America: You just figured that out now?
<Writer is online>
<Everyone in the chatroom is wearing footie pajamas>
America: SWEET!!! *flips hood up* I'm Captain America! *derpily salutes everyone*
Greenland: Purple camo, not bad.
Canada: *flips up the hood on his polar bear footie pajamas*
Greenland: AWWWWW~!!!
Writer: Hold on a second—
<Writer is offline>
America: I'mma go find a shield!
<America is offline>
<Writer is online>
Writer: *hands Canada a Canadian flag pillow* There, perfect!
<America is online>
America: *holding a Captain America shield pillow* I HAVE FOUND MY SHIELD!!!
Greenland: Cool, let's see if it works. *sidekicks America*
America: *falls to the ground* Um, OW!
Greenland: *giggling uncontrolably* Nope, doesn't work! Just be glad I didn't shoot you! XD
Canada: *trying to muffle laughter with the pillow*
America: Aw, not you too Canadia!
Canada: It's Canada.
America: Right Canadia.
Canada: -_-
Writer: *on laptop* HOLY CRAP! TWO HUNDRED VIEWS?!
America: Wait, really? Wow.
Canada: So what do you want to do to celebrate?
Writer: ...strip poker?
Greenland: In footies?
Writer: You're right, bad idea... I know! WRITING SESSION!
<Writer is offline>
Greenland: Will we see her tomorrow?
Canada: Probably not.
Greenland: Darn. Well, see you guys!
<Greenland is offline>
America: I gotta go too. See ya, Mattie!
<Alfred is offline>
<The Chatroom is empty>
<<Wait, who's that polar bear over?>>
Canada: ;w;

Hetalia Chats... Need I Say More?
HumorI'm sure most everyone knows who the Hetalia nations. You'd never expect what can happen with them and their crazy antics. Believe it or not these are normal conversations. I OWN NOTHING!!!