Footie Pajamas are Amazing

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<Writer is online>

Canada: How was school?

Writer: Boring. It rained on my walk home from school, and a kid got run over by a bus.

America: Oh sure, the kid run over the bus wasn't exciting.

Writer: He's fine. Broken foot, but that's it. Now I'm all wet and I need to all change. Talk to you in a bit.

<Writer is offline>

Greenland: ...she's weird.

Canada and America: You just figured that out now?

<Writer is online>        

<Everyone in the chatroom is wearing footie pajamas>

America: SWEET!!! *flips hood up* I'm Captain America! *derpily salutes everyone*

Greenland: Purple camo, not bad.

Canada: *flips up the hood on his polar bear footie pajamas*

Greenland: AWWWWW~!!!

Writer: Hold on a second—

<Writer is offline>

America: I'mma go find a shield!

<America is offline>

<Writer is online>

Writer: *hands Canada a Canadian flag pillow* There, perfect!

<America is online>

America: *holding a Captain America shield pillow* I HAVE FOUND MY SHIELD!!!

Greenland: Cool, let's see if it works. *sidekicks America*

America: *falls to the ground* Um, OW!

Greenland: *giggling uncontrolably* Nope, doesn't work! Just be glad I didn't shoot you! XD

 Canada: *trying to muffle laughter with the pillow*

America: Aw, not you too Canadia!

Canada: It's Canada.

America: Right Canadia.

Canada: -_-

 Writer: *on laptop* HOLY CRAP! TWO HUNDRED VIEWS?!

America: Wait, really? Wow.

Canada: So what do you want to do to celebrate?

Writer: ...strip poker?

Greenland: In footies?

Writer: You're right, bad idea... I know! WRITING SESSION!

<Writer is offline>

Greenland: Will we see her tomorrow?

Canada: Probably not.

Greenland: Darn. Well, see you guys!

<Greenland is offline>

America: I gotta go too. See ya, Mattie!

<Alfred is offline>

<The Chatroom is empty>

<<Wait, who's that polar bear over?>>


Canada: ;w;

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