<England is online>
<America is online>
<France is online>
France: Ohonhonhon~!
England: Oh shut up, frog!
America: Dude, I found this really cool TV show!
France: Oh? And what would that be Amerique?
America: It's called Doctor Who, and now that I've discovered it, I'm totally telling everyone about it!
England: How dare you! I bloody made that film stupid!
America: No you didn't! Wales made it! BBC Wales, remember?
England: -_- We need to have a talk.
*TARDIS shows up behind them*
<The Doctor is online>
<Donna Noble is online>
England: Will you stop that?!
The Doctor: *pokes his head out ot the TARDIS* Well that can't be right...
America: *running toward the TARDIS* TAKE ME WITH YOOOOOUUUUUU!!!
The Doctor: *is tackled by America*
Donna Noble: *walks out of the TARDIS* Oi! What's going on?
England & France: *unconsciously watching this scene play out*
Donna Noble: *pulls Alfred back up* Just who do you think you are?
America: Alfred F. Jones at your your sevice mum!
England: *facepalms*
Donna Noble: *unconsciously looking over Alfred*
The Doctor: Hey! *snaps fingers in front of Donna's face* Little help here?
England: Pardon me, but what are you two doing here?
The Doctor: Took a wrong turn on our way to... Barcelona.
England: Well you ought to be going then. Alfred-
The Doctor: Um... Sure?
America: *hugs the Doctor*
The Doctor: *awkwardly hugs back*
America: *faints*
England: *stares* ... Yeah, that's normal...
The Doctor: Well, we're off. Donna, Allons-y!
*TARDIS disappears*
<The Doctor is offline>
<Donna Noble is offline>
France: Should we wake him?
England: Nope.
<England is offline>
France: Oh well, au revoir Alfred.
<France is offline>
Japan: *sneaks up, writes Allons-y on America's forehead, and snaps a picture*
<Japan is offline>
Canada: *walks up to America* Come on Al, let's go home.
<America is offline>
<Canada is offline. Wait, what's a Canada?>
Dalek: Unidentified Species. IDENTIFY! IDENTIFY! >:(
<ACK! DALEK! RUN FOR YA LIVES!!!!111!!11!!!>
<The chatroom has now been exterminated by a Dalek>

Hetalia Chats... Need I Say More?
HumorI'm sure most everyone knows who the Hetalia nations. You'd never expect what can happen with them and their crazy antics. Believe it or not these are normal conversations. I OWN NOTHING!!!