There favorite thing about you

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Tate: Eyes he could stare at them all day.

Violet: Hands. She fascinated with how perfect they look in hers

Kit: Nose. OK it sounds weird but he love when you smile and you scrunch your Nose.

Kyle: the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh.That is one of the only things he rembers after the bus flip.

Zoe: laugh. she loves how its small giggles and how when you try to stop you smile so big and then burst into a fit of more giggles.

Madison: She cant chose she love everything for your curves to your every last freckle/dimple/birthmark.

Jimmy: Your blush. he love how he will say a nickname or a funny pick up line and he will intensely have you cheeks red and how you would hide your face in his neck it would drive him crazy. He secretly love it.

James; your hair, he loves to play with it and when the windows are open and the wind flow through your hair it melts his heart.

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