Dating madison montgomery would include

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~Madison is a cold-hearted bitch with no emotions, so when she admitted that she liked you, everyone was shocked

~but you weren't that shocked cause like she was always nice to you.

~She would be jealous easily

~Mainly because she actually cares about you. Which is a new feeling for Madison.

~" Mads you know I love you and only you right?"

~Wanting to spend lots of time with you

~But rarely saying anything because she doesn't wanna be clingy. Even though you love clingy.

~Posting a lot about you on her social media. Picture of you kissing manly.

~Seeming distant but she doesn't mean to be. She just think about how she love you so much.

~Going on lots of dates

~She would legit be in love with you

~Which would freak her out because she's never felt that before. But a good freak out if you know what I mean.

~Making out non stop

~Getting you lots of expensive stuff because shines to spoil you.

~ you know the saying opposite attract. Yeah well it's true. You guys are polar opposites but still end up being perfect together.

~ "y/n, babygirl?" "yes maddie?" "I really love you" "I love you too"

~loves playing with your hair

~is super protective

~she just wants to make sure you're safe

~ She was 100% nervous around you (and honestly, still is) before the two of you started dating

~"I think I like you." "What?""Don't make me say it again. Please?"

~ And she gets jealous fairly easily

~ But most of the time, she knows when to intervene and when not to

~ She'd come and slide her arm around you and introduce herself as a movie star. Which would always make you blush.

~ And if that didn't work, she'd probably just smirk until they left. She love that feeling.

~ But if you got upset with her, she was very unhappy. She would actually cry sometimes scream at her self. If you guys ever got into a fight and she yelled at you and you look scream she would cry too and pull you into and hug and whisper "it's ok babygirl I won't her you I swear. I just got a little angry."

~ After an argument, she'd buy you a really nice gift.

~ Like, flowers, or a new piece of jewelry, or a new dress. She will always give you one of her sweatshirt that she never wears but spray it with her perfume.

~ If it were a rather bad argument, she'd go to the point of buying you a new car or a new wardrobe if she really had to. She can lose you.

~ And she probably calls you baby/princesses in public

~ But during sex, it's baby girl

~ Which she's pretty great at, despite you (most likely) being her first girlfriend. Btw you live being her first girlfriend.

~ she a big dirty talker

~ Speaking of public, you'd be the one relationship she's happy to leak to TMZ.

~ It would be such a scandal. Cause well she was always big on boy.

~ She'd try to keep you as far away from the press as she could, most times, cause of your anxiety. but if you were feeling really confident and wanted to be photographed, she'd let you. Cause she of course loves to show you off.

~She always tells you that she loves you, and always stands up for you.

~ • If someone even looked at you, she'd be pissed. She would stand in front of you and like a shield.

~ "Hey, watch it, asshole. If I catch your ugly ass looking at MY girl again, there will be hell to pay. And it'll be fun to fucking burn you alive. Now get you nasty ass out of here. She's mine"

~ Always holds your hand in public.

~You'd be her alive babydoll. She'd love doing your make-up and dressing you up.

~ you being her only weakness

~Comfortingly stroking her hair as she cries in your arms. And kissing her forehead.

~ "Baby, im pathetic?"

~ No, Maddie. My love, you are in pain. It's okay to have breakdowns. We all do. Especially me. But that doesn't make you weak, okay? I love you, and I'll always be here as long as you need me. I'm not going anywhere."

~ Madison would always make you feel pretty, always lifting your self-esteem to incredibly high levels. You would always blush

~ "Damn, babe. That cleavage makes your boobs look amazing, and just take a glance at your ass...mmm. Ughh thank god your mine."

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