Dating kit walker would include

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After the asylum
(Meeting after and dating him)

- meeting after he gets out of the asylum at his garage

- him flirting with you non-stop while fixing your car

- looking around the shop and seeing a picture on his tiny desk that's had him smiling with his kids. There was no wife tho. One was a black little girl with was beautiful and a blonde little boy equally as cute.

- "that's my kids; Thomas and Julia" "oh...they're quite cute, probably the cutest I've seen" "thanks; they are cute but can be hands fulls"

- thanking him when he's done with your number

- going on a date a couple days after

- where he's a total gentlemen

- bringing you to meet the kids after word cause you told him you  love kids

- they adore you all they want to do is play Julia wants to play doll while Thomas tugs at your sleeve to play trains.

- lots of late night calls when the kids go to bed

-staying the night sometimes

- waking up wearing his white shirt

- helping him get ready for work cause he is so tired, and waking up the kid and they are so happy to see you

- looking after the kids; playing with the lil cuties

- making dinner for all of you since he gets home around 6

- him coming home covered in grease but smiling, he is so happy to see you cooking and playing with he kids it melts his heart

- kissing you

-get grease all over your shirt, well his shirt

-after dating for a couple of months the kid start to call you mommy, and it melted your and kits heart. Even tho you weren't there real mom they were still your kids.

- "daddy, mommy made some cookies!" "ooo brownies" kit then reaches for one and you smack his hand away "ah, ah, ah, after dinner Kit" "aww but sweetheeeeeaaaart"

- mocking his Boston accent, and it is a really bad impression but it makes kit laugh. though you love it accent and he know that.

- you guys puts the kids to bed together, every time they beg you to sing to them.

- cleaning him up in the shower

- heated make-out sessions

- sending the kids to Lana's sometimes, for a "play date"

(so you can have sex)

- "back up and turn around like a good girl"

-"damn y/n!"

-"please do that again babygirl"

- him giving you piggyback rides

-you guys just being silly together

him giving you piggyback rides

- comforting him when he has dreams of the asylum

-" hey hey baby it's ok. It's all over now you will never have to go back"

- dressing up with Julia, either for  a fashion show or as princess. You would be the queen she would be the princess kit would be the king and Thomas would be the dragon.

-"look daddy I'm a princess, and mommy is the queen! She so pretty!" " yeah she is"

-Julia would go in your guys closet and grab some of your clothes and makeup and "dress like you" cause she wanted to be "as pretty as mommy"

-you and Thomas would always go out side and play rocket ships or pirates. You guys had a tree house and it was built to look like a pirate ship( Julia had the shed and it looked like a Princess castle) so you and Thomas would have those plastic swords and "battle" whole kit was having a tea party with Julia. 

-there would always be music play in your house

- "kit-kat!" "Yes sweetheart?" "Dance with me."

-he likes carrying you and the kids think it's so funny.

- sometimes he'll bring you to work with him, when the kids go to school.

- being hella bored so you sit on his lap when he does paperwork

- making coffee for the both of you in the morning, and make pancakes for the kids.

- playing with his curls

-"daddy kissed mommy" "ewww nasty!"

- laughing bc he's a dork

- hearing him complain about his eye sight alotttt

- denying that he needs glasses though

- until you drag him to the eye doctor

- "wow Kit Kat you look like an old man" "gee thanks babydoll"

- you and the kids make fun of his glass but you secretly love them.

-you guys probably end up have one or two more kid ( if you want)

- dad jokes all the time

- growing old together

- being there when he gets cancer

- "you better not leave me Kit Walker!" " I won't doll face, I promise"

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