Dating Zoe Benson would include

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•braiding her hair

•wearing each other's clothes


•she always asks you how your day went

•even though you two were with each other for most of the day

•you boop her nose a lot

•being very protective over her
you always stand up for her

• "Honeybunch, you don't have to worry about her. (Talking about Madison) You have me, come on, let's go eat some ice cream."

•being upset that Madison keeps going after your girlfriend when she's done nothing wrong.

•Her mum absolutely loves you and tries to stuff you with food every time you guys visit her.

•Giggly sex when you're trying not to be too loud

•Your relationship is super affectionate

•Holding hands

•Buying oversized jumpers so the other can steal them

• living in the same room cause your a
Witch too.

•Dancing horribly for each other while you bake pancakes for breakfast for the coven

•You go to the animal rescue shelter all the time to play with the animals

This one was really short sorry.

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