+singing/playing with the baby bump+

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Tate Langdon: Tate would to talk to your baby all the time. Stressful day talk to the baby. Exciting day talk to baby. He love talking to his baby.
Story time!: You were laying on bed while tate was moving his stuff your room cause you guys didn't have the money right now. Your parents were fine with this cause they always like tate. Tate just got done putting his clothes in your closet he now was going to hang up some posters he pulled out one of his favorite bands Nirvana, posters and hung it up. He then turn to you with a big smile on his face. you were in his grey sweats pants that he never wore making them your. You were in a black sports bra not wearing a shirt cause it was very warm in your room. Tate then turn down the music and walk over to your bed. He then sat down and crossed his legs. He put his cold hand on your swollen belly. You of course gasped at the sudden coldness to your warm skin. Tate laughed at your reaction. "Hey little man how is it going in there? It daddy if you couldn't  tell. Your mama looks very pretty today. Aww she is blushing. I really hope you look like your mommy. Tomorrow your baby shower, that's crazy. Your getting so big so fast I swear it was yesterday your mommy told me we were having you." He then paused "How does it fell to have everyone love you and don't even know you. Yesterday me and mommy were talk about your name. I want to name you Kurt after your daddy favorite singer. Your mommy wants to name you Miles, and your mommy always gets her way so, hi miles. Ok baby I have to go finish decorating our room. Now you listen to some music with mom and I'll talk to you later." Tate then kisses my tummy and then looked up at me and kissed me. He then turn the music back up and hung up another poster.

Violet Harmon: You were laying on the couch laughing and poking your belly cause your baby girl would not stop moving. A movie quietly playing in the background. Your girlfriend was out grocery shopping you would have went but by tummy hurts way to much. You were wearing some black sweatpants and black nike sports bra. I poked my belly again and I saw my tummy indent with a kick. "Damn sweetheart you can kick hard" I giggled. She is a very squirmy baby. She is probably going to be a lot like her uncle Kaiden. Well cause he was the sperm donor. So my little girl will be very hyper and probably giggly probably have his dimples, it fun think about how she will look. I then go to poke my belly and the i here the door unlock. I turn my head to look at the front door. I see violet and smile at her "baby look what Melody is doing" I say giggle when she drop the bags on the ground and walks over to to you and sits down. I grab vi hand and put it down and then I can feel Melody shift and violet smiles so big. After she put away the groceries she came back and she sat down on the couch and just poked your tummy and she gasped when you can see Melody little hand look like it was reaching for violets.

(If you couldn't imagine it this is what I meant)

Kit walker: You guys were in the grocery store with you daughter Presley in the cart section of the cart (Sorry if that makes no sense) and then your son Apollo is sitting in the baby seat thing in the front of the cart. Kit was pushing the cart while you made funny faces at Apollo. "Momma I want nacks! (Nacks are snacks btw) Presley yelled out. "Ok princess we will get you some Nacks" I smiled at her. "Nacks! Nacks!" Apollo giggle clapping his hands. "Yeah bud we're going to gets some snacks" Kit said you your son poking at his small dimples. you look over at Presley and see he two french braids going lose, you smile at her resemblance to yourself but you can see the love in her eyes, that's all her dad. After you guys got done shopping and got our kids there nacks we got in the car instead of kit putting his hand on my thigh he puts it on my belly bump. You guys played the Disney music that our daughter love so dearly when then soonly arrive home. You and Apollo sit on the cough while Presley and Kit put the grocers. Apollo head lays in your lap " mama hair" he says pointing to his hair as a sign to play with it. I slowly start to fun my fingers throw his dark brown hair. he smiles in approval his dimples show. Then he sticks his thumb in his mouth. i hear giggles come from the other room. Then Kit and Presley run into the room. Kit then grabs Presley and throws  her over his shoulder. " daddy put me down!"her high pitch voice Squeaks. He tickles her in the air. "Mama get him to stoppp" she yelled. "Ok honey put her down" I said he then let's her down. She comes running to me and hugs me. "Ok baby time to go to bed me and Kit take her to her rooms and give he a kiss goodnight we do the same to Apollo then me and Kit when to our room we lay in our bed and kit gives me a kiss goodnight and then goes to my belly "goodnight little man" he says and kisses it.

Kyle Spencer:(Written in his POV)
She was standing in the full length mirror in our bedroom. I knew she was getting insurance about how big her bump was getting. She was struggling to fit in a pair of jeans. "Ollie, these are supposed to fit us! I got them last week!" She said Exhausted. "Babe I think you look sexy" I said honestly. I've always wanted a little baby boy and she's giving me that. "Ollie your daddy is a suck up but we still love him." "That's good to hear" I said jokingly. I hugged her from behind and nuzzled my head into her neck. She sighs happily. "Ollie we can't wait to cuddle you." "Ugh now I want to cuddles" I moaned. She turned around and pressed her lips on mine and smiled. "I think that can be arranged".

Zoe Benson: (written in your POV )
I was in the kitchen digging in the cabinet cause my devil like hunger was going crazy. Zoe went out to go get me some McDonald's. I start to think about my girlfriend. I missed Zo so much. It must be the pregnancy hormones kicking in. All I want to do is cling onto her and kiss her and ugh. I heard the door unlock for the kitchen. I gasp and waddle to the door. I see her look at me with the biggest smile on her face she puts the food down on the coffee table and I go to pull her into a bar hug but then my tummy got in the way and me and her laugh out asses of. "Hey sweetheart " She says kisses me then bends down and say "hi baby girl" I can feel her shift which makes me smile I love my family

Madison Montgomery: (written in her POV)
As I walked into the nursery I saw y/n in the rocking car her friend Kyle made for us. She was softly talking to her large belly. She didn't notice I enters the room. "Your mom and I can't wait to meet you. Ok so I'm mommy or mama and she is going to be mom. Ooh yeah your grandma is also rather excited. She already adores you. I don't think I'll get you to myself. You have a auntie to, aunt Zoe. She one of my best friends and your uncle Kyle can't wait to meet you. Your mom is a actress she really good at he job and a lot of people adorable her. And I'm a singer my fans will love you. Our fans can't wait to meet you. You are going to be VERY popular. Mom can't wait to teach you how to act and I can't wait to teach you to sing. We're all ready for you to be here little man. This is your room. It's pretty in here. Your mom did this for you." I slowly left the room with a smile I didn't want to interrupt y/n conversation with Sage.

Jimmy darling: (written in his POV)
Y/n was mad at me. Sure, I had been a little messy lately. Fine a lot. I had left all of my clothes on the bathroom floor. She was still sleeping when I went out to the freak show. I slow approach the door to our new house. I walk in and our bedroom door was open I walk slowly to it cause I hear y/n talking. "Dear lord, I swear if you guys are anything like your daddy your going to leave big messes for you mommy and then there's going to be a problem. God I love that man but this is bad. And smelly. Daddy is in a lot of trouble Daisy and Dylan. You guys will be too. Dylan your not going to smell this bad mommy won't allow it. You guys are going to be so clean. If you guy get you rooms all dirty. I will not be scared to ground you guys. OK, I hated when my parents did that to me, so I can never do that to you. I'm going to be the cool mom" I chucked at her rant. Honestly my wife is adorable. "You'll be the coolest mom. I know it." I said reassuring her. She was surprised at first but then she laughed. "No sucking up jimmy. Your in trouble." She said trying to hide her smile. "Then punish me" I said with a big smile. "Ooh lord this is how we end up with twins" she said letting out a giggle.

James March: (written in his POV)
I was getting looking ever for my lovely wife I told her not to wonder around cause she is due to have her baby in two weeks so I didn't want her to do all the stairs in the hotel. I finally found her found her at the old pool that we filled back up when the Countess left. Her pant pull up so her feet could be in the water. She was wearing one of those sweatshirt she bought me. It is one of the only things her belly could fit in. She still looked beautiful. I could hear her talking "hi tally, how is it going in there. Today your daddy went around and baby proofed the whole hotel. He loves you so much. That man could talk passionately about his little princess forever. Everyone her is so excited to meet you. Your aunt Liz can't wait to dress you up. I'm kinda upset there are no other kid around here for you. That's ok mommy will be your best friend. We can go out and shop for your clothes and then come home and give daddy a fashion show. Your daddy tells me not to wander around the hotel, he'll probably tell you the same thing." She pauses. I walk over to her and sit by her and say "if your anything like your mama you will always wander. You will be very talkative too. And very giggly. Your going to be my little princess. You will be the sunshine to this dark hotel. I will spoil you rotten. But if you are like mama you will always be super thankful. I love you princess" I look up to her and see her smiling.

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